False Bay FET College Bursaries

False Bay FET College Bursaries

NB: NSFAS Travel Allowance
New students who qualify for bursaries, may apply for a NSFAS Travel allowance, provided funds are available and they meet the DHET requirements:
All returning bursary students can apply for transport if they meet the necessary criteria.
Transport is only for bursary applicants living further than 5 kms from the campus.



Applications close 29 January .

To Apply for a NSFAS Bursary

Please read carefully.  All new bursary applications without ALL supporting documents will not be processed by NSFAS.
NSFAS requires that you provide a cell phone number and an email address so that NSFAS can communicate with you.
A copy of your supporting documents is listed below also available from your nearest False Bay TVET College Financial Aid Office.  Bursary rules and guidelines

Make sure you have certified copies of the following:
Your South African identity document/card or, an unabridged birth certificate (if you are younger than 18 years of age)
IDs of parents and/or guardian (or death certificate where applicable)
IDs of each person living with you in your home
Pay advice/letter of employment/pension advice (not older than three months)
Please obtain a copy of the consent form from False Bay TVET College Financial Aid Officers or Programme Managers and fill it in with your parent/guardian’s signatures. Applications without a consent form that is not signed by all people whose incomes have been declared in the application will not be accepted, and will be considered as incomplete. http://www.nsfas.co.za/content/downloads/NSFASApplications_consent%20form.pdf
If you have a disability, please obtain a copy of the Disability Annexure A and complete it with the FBC Occupational Therapists on your campus.

SEE ALSO:  Stellenbosch University Undergraduate Bursaries

If you are a student with a disability, you must complete an additional form (Annexure A), available on the NSFAS website, and will be required to provide a medical certificate in support of your disability condition.  Additional documentation provided by the College Occupational Therapists / Student Support Officers is also required.
For more information visit one of our campuses for assistance.

Who can apply?

  • NSFAS Bursaries are available to applicants who want to apply to study NC(V) Level 2-4 or NATED N1-N6 programmes.
  • All students who have signed their Schedule of Particulars (SOP) for and are currently receiving NSFAS funding DO NOT HAVE TO REAPPLY.
    Funding will be granted provided the returning already funded student meets the NSFAS academic requirements.  Please take a copy of your results to Financial Aid.


FUNDI – previously Edu-Loan
FUNDI is a private finance company that exclusively focuses on educational finance, assisting people who are not able to pay on their own, or the studies of their dependents, and who do not qualify for traditional financing through the formal banking sector or government aid schemes.

For more information contact FUNDI at:
Client services: 0860 55 55 44
E-mail:  support@fundi.co.za 
Website:  www.fundi.co.za

We are here to help you. Should you require assistance completing an online application for a NSFAS Bursary, visit one of our 5 campuses.

  • Two Certified copies of Your ID or Birth certificate (if under 18 years old.)
  • 1x Certified Identity document for all members of your household i.e of parents or guardian,  siblings etc.
  • Certified proof of income for your parent(s) or Legally appointed guardian (e.g. Proof of social grant,latest salary pay slip, DELETE affidavit stating what they are earning, affidavit if unemployed or self-employed).
  • Certified copy of death certificate(s) of parent(s) and or legal guardianif deceased.
  • Banking details (on page 4 of application form). Parent/guardian must co-sign.
  • Travel route andcost of transport method used i.e. taxi, bus or train. No private vehicle funding is permitted.
  • New students: Latest high school results
SEE ALSO:  Rhodes University Accenture (SA) Education Trust

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