FET College of Cape Town Bursaries

FET College of Cape Town Bursaries



Through this bursary scheme the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) provides access to vocational education and training at public TVET Colleges for talented students who are financially needy.

These bursaries are only available for full-time studies for the entry requirements indicated below.

The Department of Higher Education Training (DHET) TVET College Bursary Scheme, administered by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is available for qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

1.    Only South African citizens are eligible for this bursary scheme (Must have a valid South African ID).
2.     A student must be registered or intending to register on an NC(V) or Report 191 programme at any of the fifty (50) public TVET colleges in South Africa.
3.     In need of financial assistance (a Means Test is administered to determine whether or not a student meets this criterion. A Means Test is an electronic tool used to determine the level of financial need of students).
4.    An ability to demonstrate potential for academic success  or proven academic performance (academically deserving).




In order for your application to be processed, please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form and attach all supporting documents. You must write your identity number on every page of all of your supporting documents in order for your application to be processed. NSFAS will not be able to process applications without an ID number.

Please attach certified copies of the following documents:

NOTE:  All the certified copies must not be older than  three (3) months.  Your documents can be certified at the South African Police Service or the South African Post Office.

* If you are under the age of 18 or if you are 18 and older and are STILL DEPENDENT on the household income of your parent or legal guardian, then this also applies to you.

  • Certified copy of your Identity Document. If you are younger than 16 years of age, and do not have a green bar-coded ID or smart ID card, you must submit a certified copy of your unabridged birth certificate.
  • *Certified copy of Identity Document of each household member including parents or legal guardian.
  • Certified copy of your latest academic transcript or exam results. If you are currently in Grade 12, you do not need to submit this.
  • If you have been exempted from paying school fees, please provide a letter from the school informing NSFAS that you have been exempted.
  • *Certified or official copy of recent payslip, letter of employment, not older than three months, for each parent, or the person who supports you, or your guardian or yourself if you are employed. This is for all types of employment or all forms of income for all members of the household. This includes any income received from SASSA grants, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), or any retirement, life, disability or other benefits paid as a lump sum or in monthly payments.
  • *If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian are retired, please provide a copy of an official pension slip or bank statement showing pension payment.
  • *If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian works as an informal trader, please provide an affidavit signed by them to confirm this employment.
  • If either of your parents is deceased, please provide a certified copy of the death certificate.
  • If your parents are divorced, please provide a certified copy of the divorce decree.
  • If either of your parents does not live at home, please provide an affidavit explaining the reasons.
  • If you are supported by someone who is not your parent or legal guardian, please provide an affidavit explaining the reasons.
  • *Certified copy of a SASSA letter if any of your family members are receiving a social grant and are also contributing to your household income. This also applies to your legal guardian.
  • *If you have indicated that a dependent in your household is a student, please provide proof of registration or acceptance at the TVET college or university for each dependent.
  • If you have a disability, please complete the relevant supporting documents and submit them with your application form.
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The Financial Means Test

The DHET and NSFAS have established a set of norms that are incorporated within their official bursary evaluation system. The exact terms of this are confidential and it takes a variety of factors into account. Since the criteria above are weighted by the system, and personal hardship (for which documentation is required) is taken into account, rather apply than try to guess the outcome.




DHET has introduced a policy which stipulates that, where a bursary student’s attendance is below 80% for a particular month, his/her transport and accommodation allowance will be withheld for the following month.

SEE ALSO:  University of the Western Cape NSFAS Approved List



All applications must be done directly via the NSFAS website www.nsfas.org.za.


Please find the relevant documentation below to assist you with your online application:

NSFAS 2018Applications_Consent Form

NSFAS Disability Annexure A (003)



** Please note that all applications received will be subject to strict evaluation against and compliance with the DHET TVET Colleges Bursary Scheme Guidelines for the relevant academic year.

For more information, contact your nearest campus or Bursary Administration Officer.






FUNDI is a private loan institution with a formal agreement with the College to fund qualifying students.

  • Simple repayment options at affordable interest rates to loan applicants.
  • Approval criteria to ensure that borrowers are not overburdened by their financial liabilities.
  • A formal agreement, and close relationship with the College of Cape Town, to assist with the financing of our students.
  • Agreements with a number of Employers where employees’ and their dependents’ studies are financed through a salary deduction facility.
  • The Edu-Xtras smart card system, that allows students to purchase books at pre-approved educational bookshops nationally.

For further information on FUNDI you can visit their website at www.fundi.co.za, or contact their Client Services desk at 0860 55 55 44.




I did not get a FUNDI loan or Bursary, now what?

You may still qualify for a loan from lending institutions, particularly if your application was declined. Most commercial banks offer student loans on favourable terms.

The college will have to provide you with a copy of a letter from the Western Cape Department of Education indicating our exam centre number.



If you are employed, a number of companies have their own in-house study loan or bursary schemes. Some even generously grant loans that are automatically converted to bursaries when the course has been completed successfully. Speak to your supervisor or your HR department to find out more.

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Companies wanting an affordable option to provide occupational training for a number of their staff may establish a “learnership”. This is a contract between the employer and the SETA that the company is registered with. A provider agreement is then set up with the College to do the training. SETAs have certain preconditions for funding learnerships, such as the inclusion of a specified proportion of unemployed learners within the learnership.
Learnerships allow employers to claim against the Skills Levy payments they have made, so they are particularly cost-effective.


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