UJ NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

UJ NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025
UJ NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

So you are interested in applying for the University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Student aid for ?, then you’ve come to the right place. On this page we are happy to present to you the details and steps required in successfully applying for your NSFAS loan. It should be noted that this loan was created by the South African government to meet the needs of needy students who demonstrate a potential for academic success. These students typically belong to households that make less but not more than R600000 a year. 

The University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Application is simple and straightforward. A student will have to create a mynsfas Account, then proceed to fill an online application form. Details of the steps below are outline below.

NB: Students who already applied for and received NSFAS funding do not need to reapply. Such students will simply have to sign an agreement form, after which loans will be released. It should be noted that a student must meet the necessary requirement of attaining a progressive score of at least 50% to remain eligible. Students who fall below this score are likely to be excluded from funding.

The NSFAS loan is widely misconceived as a bursary, this is NOT true. This student aid is a loan facility made available by the government to support needy students. There are however special situations where a portion of the loan is converted into a bursary based on academic performance. This bursary may be as much as 40% of the loaned amount.

SEE ALSO:  CUT Sport Recruitment Bursaries

Before proceeding to apply online, students must have the following documents at their disposal. 

  • Certified copy of ID document /passport of student / mother / father /guardian / wife /husband
  • Original / certified copy of pay- slips / pension slip for both parents/guardian /spouse (these should not be older than three (3) months)
  • In the case of deceased parents, attach certified death Certificates
  • If parents are divorced, attach a copy of the decree of divorce
  • If parents / guardian / spouse are self-employed, attach a copy of the latest financial statement
  • If parents are unemployed, attach sworn affidavits accompanied by a report from a social worker , religious leader /traditional leader or Council
  • An amount for income must be provided on all affidavits
  • If parents are separated, attach pay-slips of both and an official letter from the social worker or religious leader confirming the separation
  • Certified copy of previous degree or diploma certificate
  • If you are currently in in-service training, attach pay – slip or provide the University with proof from your employer stating whether your study leave is paid or unpaid
  • ID copies / birth certificates or letters from school of other family members
  • Proof of registration for sibling at other tertiary institutions


  • You can collect and drop off your complete paper NSFAS application and ALL required documents at NYDA Offices. To find your closest office, visitwww.nsfas.org.za/content/howtoapply.html#account3
SEE ALSO:  List of Bursaries Closing in November - 2018


University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Application Form

University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Application Status

List of Other University of Johannesburg UJ Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

To calculate the value of the loan to which a student is entitled, the NSFAS Means Test is used.  Students with a gross annual family income in excess of R180 000 will seldom be eligible for funding.

Limited funds are available so applicants will not necessarily be granted funding from NSFAS. It is important, therefore that applications are submitted as early as possible.

If a student passes all subjects in the year that funding is obtained from NSFAS, 40% of the value of the NSFAS loan is converted into a bursary and is credited to the student’s NSFAS accounting during the course of the following year.

The student will be asked to start repaying the loan once employed and earning a salary in excess of R26 300 per year. Repayments will be based on the individual’s earnings.

For 2009, the interest on the loan is 7.6%. This amount is reviewed annually.

University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Application Closing Date

The deadline for NSFAS funding is 30 November . No late applications will be accepted. For more information on the application process or to apply, please visit www.nsfas.org.za or call 086 006 7327.

The closing date for applications for other funding opportunities will be communicated at a later stage. Please note, however, that ALL applications for funding must be submitted via the NSFAS website: www.nsfas.org.za

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University of Johannesburg UJ NSFAS Contact Details

UJ Student Finance Call Centre​

011 559 7098

011 559 7099

NSFAS Contact Details

For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries

Tel No.: 0860 067 327    Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Postal Address
Private Bag X1, Plumstead 7801, South Africa
Physical Address
10 Brodie Road, House Vincent 2nd Floor, Wynberg, Cape Town 7700

Fraud and Corruption Notifications

To submit information on fraud or corruption identified or witnessed:
Tel No.: 0800 203 900
Email: nsfas@thehotline.co.za
Fax2Email: 086 7261 681
Call Back Number: 072 595 9139
Postal Address: P O Box 21076,Valhalla, 0137

Account, Payment and Balance Enquiries

For queries regarding payments and balances:
Tel No.: 0860 067 327
Email: collections@nsfas.org.za

For general enquiries relating to accounts:
Email: queries@nsfas.org.za

Student Enquiries

For all other queries regarding students:
Tel No.: 0860 067 327
Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Postal Address
– Students, University and TVET College documents
Private Bag X4, Plumstead 7801, South Africa


For all media related enquiries please contact:
Phatisa Ntlonze
Siphe Matomela
Tel No: 021 763 3200
Email: media@nsfas.org.za


For all sBux related enquiries:
Tel No: 0860 067 327
Email: sbux@nsfas.org.za
Postal Address
– sBuxs documents
Private Bag X6, Plumstead 7801, South Africa

Outreach and Community Event Invites

For all queries regarding outreach and community event invites:
Tel No.: 021 763 3200
Email: outreach@nsfas.org.za


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