SANDF Education Trust Bursary South Africa 2024-2025

SANDF Education Trust Bursary South Africa 2024-2025


The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was estalished in 1994 after the post-apartheid national elections in South Africa, replacing the South African Defence Force.


The SANDF Education Trust award bursaries to qualifying beneficiaries on a year-to-year basis. Bursaries will be awarded for one academic year – students must reapply each year.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • Dependant of a SANDF member severely injured or killed while on official duty after 27/04/1994,
  • Dependant of a Civilian member of the Department of Defence severely injured or killed while deployed in operations with SANDF after 27/04/1994,
  • Dependant of a South Africa citizen severely injured or killed during the course of an operation of SANDF after 27/04/1994 (for citizens who were not taking part in activity opposed to SANDF operations) AND intend on studying at primary school, secondary school or tertiary institution,
  • Matric students & those who have not yet started tertiary studies: achieved an APS-score of 22 or more during the June Matric exams,
  • Proven financial need,
  • Good academic record,
  • Students who intend on entering their tertiary studies next year must have achieved a minimum of 22 marks on their APS-score for June Matric exams,
  • Senior tertiary students (from second year of study onwards) must have achieved a minimum of 60% average.
SEE ALSO:  Ingwe FET College Bursaries



Download and complete the  SANDF Bursary Application Form (pdf).

The following items must accompany your complete application form:

  • ID document OR birth certificate (if ID document is not available) (certified copy),
  • ID documents OR birth certificates of all other household members (if ID documents are not available) (certified copies),
  • Proof of registration OR provisional acceptance at tertiary institution (for first year tertiary students),
  • Quote issued by the tertiary institution regarding academic fees for the year (tuition, registration, books and accommodation) with the institutions banking details and bank confirmation letter,
  • Proof of household income: latest payslips OR letter from employer regarding salary if no payslip is received OR affidavit if unemployed. If parents/ guardians receive pension income, proof must be provided,
  • If anyone in your household receives a government pension/ child grant, please submit latest pension receipt or 3 months bank statements,
  • Matric certificate and latest academic results (tertiary students only),
  • Matric June exam report (Matric students only).
SEE ALSO:  UFH NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025


Application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Post:
Chairperson Board of Trustees
SANDF Education Trust
Private Bag X161
2) Hand delivered:
Chairperson Board of Trustees
SANDF Education Trust
Armscor Building, Room 1.3.137
C.O. Nossob and Delmas Road
3) Email:


Senior tertiary students (from second year of study): 31 October annually
Primary and Secondary students: 31 October annually
First year tertiary students: 1 November annually


For any bursary queries, please contact:
Tel: 012 355 5107
Fax: 012 355 5882

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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