Stellenbosch University Undergraduate Bursaries

Stellenbosch University Undergraduate Bursaries

As a rule, applicants for the bursaries/scholarships described in this Section must be prospective or registered students of Stellenbosch University Bursary(SU). The exceptions to this rule will be clear from the descriptions given.

SU advises its students and prospective students to consult the relevant particulars in this Section before requesting copies of the prescribed forms for bursary applications.

All applications must be done online on, or with the company or trust concerned. All undergraduate applications administered by the University should reach the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans before the relevant closing date of 31 August.

Closing dates for private organisations or companies may vary from that of the University.

In some instances the value of a bursary may vary year on year. In such cases, the value has not been specified.


Stellenbosch University Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions

Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions

Aligarh Association of SA

Who qualifies?

Students from their second year onwards


Prof AA Wadee (Honorary Secretary), Aligarh Old Boys’ Scholarship Trust, PO Box 42406, FORDSBURG 2033

Closing date:

31 August of the previous year of study

Stellenbosch University Bendiks (LMC Bendiks) Bursary

Bendiks (LMC Bendiks)

Who qualifies?

Bursaries for needy and deserving students Applications:

Stellenbosch University Bloemhof Trust Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries are allocated to Afrikaans-speaking students on the ground of neediness, academic merit, sport achievement, leadership and family bond with SU.


This bursary has a unique application form that you can find at www.mymaties.comClosing date: 31 August

Value: R5 000-R50 000


Any field of study.

The Bloemhof trustees allocate the bursaries.

Stellenbosch University Brand (Sheila Brand) Bursary

Brand (Sheila Brand)

Who qualifies?

Bursaries are awarded on the grounds of neediness, academic merit, leadership, sport, cultural activities and community service.


This bursary has a unique application form that you can find at www.mymaties.comValue: Minimum of R25 000

Stellenbosch University Broden (Eric Broden Trust) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries are awarded on the grounds of neediness and academics.


Stellenbosch University Campher (Leon Campher Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?

For undergraduate students who are needy and/or historically disadvantaged by inadequate schooling.



Variable. Subject to the availability of funds and to the general terms and conditions laid down by SU.

Stellenbosch University Du Toit Huguenots Bursary 

Who qualifies?

The conditions of award include neediness, academic achievement and leadership potential.

All candidates must include a motivational letter.

All else being equal, candidates of Huguenot descent will receive preference.


This bursary has a unique application form that you can find at


If a holder fails to show satisfactory progress or is guilty of misconduct, the bursary may be cancelled and repayment demanded on such conditions as may be laid down by the trustees and the bursary committee concerned.

Stellenbosch University Fraser (Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?

Bursaries for blind and visually impaired students


The Bursary Fund Officer, Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund, PO Box 125, HOWARD PLACE 7450

Closing date: 30 September


Awarded towards the completion of a diploma or degree.

Medical proof of blindness MUST be furnished.

Certified copies of the Matriculation Certificate and advices of subsequent university results, especially the previous year’s final examination results, must also be furnished.

Stellenbosch University Greenberg (Isaac Greenberg) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Prospective first-year students with an exceptionally high level of scholastic achievement qualify for this bursary.

The allocation is divided equally among candidates of Afrikaans, English and Jewish descent.


Bursaries and Loans


Each bursary is granted for three years in succession, subject to satisfactory progress.

Applicants must produce proof of the language group to which they belong by way of the signature of a clergyman or school principal on the reverse side of the application form.

The late Mr Isaac Greenberg endowed similar bursaries for the University of Cape Town and it is a stipulation in his will (and therefore a condition of the bursary concerned) that all bursary holders of both universities must attend a joint meal once a year.

The two universities’ respective undergraduate bursaries and loans environments take it in turns to organise this event annually; usually at a date in September.

Stellenbosch University Hocken (Marjorie Hocken) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Full-time needy and deserving undergraduate students



No bursaries are to be awarded to candidates studying in any field in which animals are experimented with.

Bursary holders must apply annually for a continuation.

Stellenbosch University Jansen (Dr PG Jansen) Bursary 

Jansen (Dr PG Jansen)

Who qualifies?

Needy, deserving students


Stellenbosch University Leadership (Student Leaders) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Student leaders, e.g. head students of University residences

Applications: No applications

Value: R3 650

Stellenbosch University Liberty/Maties Alumni Golf Club Bursary

Who qualifies?

Academically deserving and needy students in any field of study, with proven leadership and sports achievements

Applications: or directly at Lezanne Bruwer, Liberty/Maties Alumni Golf Club Bursary, PO Box 2493, Northcliff 2115


Variable between R5 000 and R25 000 per annum


The Liberty/Maties Alumni Golf Club in Gauteng, founded by alumni of the University, annually awards bursaries to undergraduate students.

The selection committee determines the value of the bursary awarded, taking into consideration financial need, academic and sport potential and leadership qualities.

Stellenbosch University Meaker (Cato Meaker) Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Deserving and/or needy students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in any field of study, with preference to students in Social Work.

Applications: [Head: Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans or Head: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU]

Value: Tuition fees


The Cato Meaker Study Fund aims at supporting the University’s striving towards greater academic excellence by offering financial support, in the form of bursaries, to deserving undergraduate and/or postgraduate students.

Each year in December, the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans and the Unit for Postgraduate Student Funding, in collaboration with the Centre for Prospective Students, will nominate deserving and/or needy students to the Management Committee of the Cato Meaker Study Fund for approval.

The candidates must carry a full academic load and meet the minimum academic requirements of the programme concerned.

The bursary may be awarded to the same bursary holder in consecutive academic years, provided that the holder meets the minimum requirements for readmission as a student each year.

The bursaries may form part of the packages offered to recruitment students in order to attract academically top students to the University.

Stellenbosch University Ohlthaver (Hermann Ohlthaver Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Deserving and extremely needy first-year students for a period of three years. Applications:

Stellenbosch University Oranjebond Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Second-year student who matriculated at Kakamas, Keimoes, Kenhardt or Upington High School. Applications:


One bursary, for the purchase of books.

Stellenbosch University Robertson (MM Robertson) Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Hardworking and deserving students who are financially needy.


Stellenbosch University Russel Botman Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?

Bursaries are awarded on the grounds of neediness, academic merit, South African citizenship, community involvement and leadership, as well as particular perseverance and success achieved.


Application forms are at the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans.


Varies depending on each student’s financial need.


The bursaries are awarded by the committee of the Russel Botman Bursary Fund.

Closing date:

Applications close on 31 October of the preceding academic year

Stellenbosch University St Leger Bursary

Who qualifies?

Applicants must be of Christian faith, under 25 years of age and must have matriculated in the Western Cape.


The Trustees, St Leger Scholarship, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Tel.: 021 416 6258; Fax:

021 416 9952; E-mail:

Closing date:

31 July of previous year of study

Stellenbosch University CJ van Brakel Study Bursary

Who qualifies?

Promising students who require assistance


Stellenbosch University Van der Merwe Bursary 

Van der Merwe (JR van der Merwe)

Who qualifies?

Extremely needy students

Applications: No applications


The yield from a number of ABSA shares

Stellenbosch University Von Zeuner Bursary

Who qualifies?

Academically deserving and needy students in any field of study


Value: Variable


The bursaries are awarded by the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans in consultation with the donor.

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Stellenbosch University Die Vlakte Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?

People who lived in the area called Die Vlakte and who were removed at the time, as well as their children and grandchildren, and who apply for undergraduate study, as well as for a first postgraduate programme.

This area in Stellenbosch is bordered by Muller, Ryneveld, Banghoek, Smuts, Merriman and Bird Streets and was known as Die Vlakte in the 20th century.

Candidates must also meet the minimum academic requirements for the programme concerned, and the bursary is allocated for the duration of the programme, provided that the candidate obtains at least 0,6 HEMIS credits in each academic year.

Please note: A selected committee comprising members of the Die Vlakte community will verify whether applicants are in fact descendants of residents of Die Vlakte.


Centre for Bursaries and Loans.

Value: Tuition fees.


In his inaugural address on 29 April 2015, the Rector announced that he would establish the Die Vlakte Bursary Fund for descendants of the people who were forced to move from Die Vlakte in the 1960s.

The funds for this bursary will be raised from new funds and do not form part of the existing institutional budget for bursaries and loans.

Closing date:

31 Augustus of the previous year

1.2 Bursaries subject to certain restrictions

Stellenbosch University Agar-Hamilton Bursary

Agar-Hamilton Bursary

Who qualifies?

Financially needy English-speaking male students to the age of 25 years of predominantly British descent (back to grandparents).

Candidates must be active members of the Anglican Church and will be selected on grounds of qualities of character and academic ability.


The Trustees, The Agar-Hamilton Trust, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000

Closing date:

31 July of the previous year of study

Stellenbosch University Amberg Fund

Who qualifies?

Deserving and needy students (preferably non-Afrikaners who look upon Afrikaans as their home language)


Stellenbosch University Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET) Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Matriculants resident to the Western Cape who are starting their first year of study


Tel.: 021 685 1025. Application forms available from 1 July

Closing date: 31 October

Stellenbosch University Athlone Institute Trust Bursary

Who qualifies?

First-year students will be considered for a bursary loan.

The bursary is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in any discipline and who are permanent residents of Paarl/Mbekweni only.


www.athlonebursaries.yolasite.comE-mail:; Tel: 021 862 7777

Closing date: 20 January

Stellenbosch University Blind SA Bursary 

Who qualifies?

Blind and partially sighted students, and sighted students whose parents are visually impaired


The President: Ms CJ Donaldson, Blind SA, Private Bag X9005, Crown Mines 2025

Value: R5000

Stellenbosch University Cillié (Maria Cillié) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Needy women students from the second year of study, for the purchase of books Applications:


In memory of the founder of the Women’s Association of the University, Mrs GG Cillié

Stellenbosch University City of Cape Town: External Bursaries

City of Cape Town: External Bursaries

Who qualifies?

Residents of the City of Cape Town


Department of Human Resources, PO Box 298, CAPE TOWN 8000

Closing date:

To be determined annually and communicated in the local media

Stellenbosch University Davel (Koos and Lenie Davel) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Needy Afrikaans-speaking undergraduate students at SU



Preference to be given to students from the Hantam and from the North-West of the former Cape Province. (For this purpose, “the North-West” is defined as the area north of the Olifants River, south of the Orange River, including the Orange River Valley, and west of a line between Beaufort West and Prieska.)

Preference will be given, moreover, to students of AgriSciences, Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences and Natural Sciences.

Stellenbosch University Du Toit Educational Fund

Who qualifies?

Students from the Loxton and Victoria West Districts, by preference


The Trustees, Willie du Toit (Quaggasfontein) Educational Fund, PO Box 24, VICTORIA WEST 7070

Closing date: 30 September


Roughly equivalent to tuition fees


If funds suffice, applicants from other parts, with preference given to the Cape, may also be considered.

Stellenbosch University Eikenhof-Moulton Bursary

Who qualifies?

One bursary each year to a matriculant of Bloemhof Girls’ High School


Value: R500

Stellenbosch University Forsyth  Bursary

Forsyth (Elaine Forsyth Memorial Trust)

Who qualifies?

For any student from the Western Cape who studies at an institution in the Western Cape


The Trustees, Elaine Forsyth Trust, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000

Closing date: 31 July

Stellenbosch University Hanekom Bursary

Forsyth (Elaine Forsyth Memorial Trust)

Who qualifies?

For any student from the Western Cape who studies at an institution in the Western Cape


The Trustees, Elaine Forsyth Trust, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000

Closing date: 31 July

Stellenbosch University Heckroodt (JCD Heckroodt) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Descendants of PH Heckroodt


The JCD Heckroodt Trust, First National Assets Management and Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, SAXONWOLD 2132

Closing date: 30 November

Stellenbosch University Home (George Home) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries for one year for needy students who, in order of preference, matriculated at the following schools:

Bursaries and Loans

BOYS AND GIRLS: Worcester Gymnasium;

BOYS: Montana High School;

GIRLS: Montana High School;

BOYS AND GIRLS: A high school in Stellenbosch.



Applicants to furnish an appendix clearly stating the high schools they have attended and the years of their attendance

Stellenbosch University Kuchler (AM Kuchler) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Afrikaans-speaking students qualify on the basis of neediness after due consideration of their academic merit for the duration of study, subject to satisfactory progress.

Only candidates who matriculated at one of the following schools in the Stellenbosch area will be considered:

Bloemhof Girls High School oCloetesville Secondary

Kayamandi Secondary oKylemore Secondary oLückhoff Secondary oPaul Roos Gymnasium

Rhenish Girls High School Stellenbosch High School oStellenzicht Secondary.



Variable depending on each student’s financial need


Students must reapply each year.

Stellenbosch University Langenhoven (HP Langenhoven) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Deserving students of Punt High School at Mossel Bay


Stellenbosch University Malan (FS and WC Malan) Bursary

Malan (FS and WC Malan)

Who qualifies?

Students born to the surname of Malan who are needy and deserving


Stellenbosch University Marais (Elizabeth Marais) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Direct descendants of Abraham Barend de Villiers and Theophile Antonia de Villiers (née Van der Lingen)


Application forms for family bursaries are available at


Available for a maximum of three years.

A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship must be furnished.

The will further provides as follows:

“If however in the course of any period there has been no application by any of the descendants, then the amount in interest shall be placed in a reserve fund, and earn further interest; then and in that case the Reserve Fund and interest thereon shall be used to enable any one of the said descendants to further his or her studies at any other university, whether in South Africa or abroad. In the allocation of monies from interest on the said amount from the Reserve Fund or interest thereon to the descendants of their aforesaid deceased parents, the following principles shall be adhered to:

Firstly: The descendant who is or descendants who are closest to the generation of her deceased parents shall be taken into account first: Provided

(i)that this principle shall be effective only as far as the fifth generation, her deceased parents being counted as the first generation and (ii) that, after the fifth generation, any one of their descendants shall be at liberty to apply, if the necessary proofs have been furnished that the applicant or applicants are lawful descendants of their aforesaid deceased parents.

oSecondly: If all other circumstances of the descendants are the same, preference shall be given to the descendant who is or descendants who are neediest.

oThirdly: If interest has accrued on the capital amount but has not been applied for, then and only then may applications for support for studying at any other university inside or outside South Africa be granted, and allocations for this purpose shall be made solely from the aforesaid Reserve Fund and interest


Stellenbosch University Markötter Bursary

Markötter (Minnie Markötter)

Who qualifies?

For a woman student who excels in sport

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Applications: No applications


Interest on R2 000 donated by Mrs KE Beyleveld

Stellenbosch University Metje Bursary

Who qualifies?

Undergraduate students who were born in Namibia and received their school education there Applications:


Bursaries for a period of one year.

Awards will be made available on the grounds of academic achievement with account taken of financial need, provided that applicants already receiving full-cost bursaries are not eligible for these bursaries.

Stellenbosch University Mostert Bursary

Who qualifies?

Both undergraduate and postgraduate bachelor’s degree students qualify if they matriculated at schools in the magistrate’s districts of :









Stellenbosch University Muller Bursary

Who qualifies?

Needy students who come from the Free State


Stellenbosch University Neethling Bursary

Neethling (Prof JH Neethling)

Who qualifies?

Needy and deserving undergraduate students qualify.

Preference is given to needy, promising, direct descendants of Prof JH Neethling’s father, Hendrik Johannes Neethling.

Applicants claiming such direct descendance have to furnish documentary proof thereof.


Application forms for family bursaries are available at


Descendants – a bursary equal to the cost of accommodation, tuition, meals and books. Non- descendants – variable.

Stellenbosch University Orr (Wilfred Orr) Bursary

Orr (Wilfred Orr)

Who qualifies?

Matriculants from Kimberley


Stellenbosch University Parfitt Bursary

Parfitt (Yvonne Parfitt)

Who qualifies?

Needy matriculants from schools in the Cape Peninsula


Full particulars of value, application forms and closing date are obtainable, by the end of April, from principals of schools in the Western Cape only.

Closing date: 30 April

Value: Tuition fees


At least 15 (fifteen) bursaries per annum.

The bursary is normally awarded for the duration of a programme of study. 

Stellenbosch University Permanent Bank Bursary

Who qualifies?

One bursary is available to a Stellenbosch matriculant for the first year of study. The rotation is as follows:

2017 – Cloetesville High School

2018 – Bloemhof High School

2019 – Paul Roos Gymnasium

2020 – Rhenish Girl’s High School

2021– Stellenbosch High School


Value: R1 000


Should a given school in a given year fail to produce a suitable candidate, the award of that year moves on to the next school; in other words, the rotation is accelerated by one year.

Stellenbosch University Roos Bursary

Who qualifies?

A Paul Roos Bursary for a past pupil of Paul Roos Gymnasium


The Rector, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Stellenbosch 7600

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study

Stellenbosch University Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Past pupils of Paul Roos Gymnasium for any year of study


The Rector, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Stellenbosch 7600

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study Value: R500 per annum

Stellenbosch University Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium (Rhodes Scholarship)) Bursary

Who qualifies?

For a past pupil of Paul Roos Gymnasium, single, being between the ages of 19 and 24 years, and holding a degree or other qualification acceptable to the University of Oxford.


The Rector, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Stellenbosch 7600;

Closing date: 15 August


Covers all costs


One to three years at Oxford

Stellenbosch University Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium Together Bursary) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries are available for children of teachers who are permanently employed at Paul Roos Gymnasium, and for direct descendants of Coenraad Hendrik Loubser.


Stellenbosch University Rosenzweig Bursary

Rosenzweig (Miss AE Rosenzweig)

Who qualifies?

Needy and deserving first-year students who come from the Free State


Stellenbosch University Rotary Club: Cape Town Bursary

Rosenzweig (Miss AE Rosenzweig)

Who qualifies?

Needy and deserving first-year students who come from the Free State


Stellenbosch University Shankman (David Shankman) Bursary

Who qualifies?

One bursary for a needy and deserving Zimbabwean student


Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans


Awarded for the duration of a programme; as a result, a new award is not possible every year.

Stellenbosch University Spies Bursary

Who qualifies?

The children of Mrs E Wood and Dr CJ de Kock; and

One or more needy and deserving Afrikaans-speaking student(s)


Application forms for family bursaries are available at


One bursary in memory of Johannes Jacobus Spies and his wife, Wilhelmina Christina Spies, donated by their son Mr JF Spies, to be awarded by preference to his grandchildren (the children of Mrs E Wood and Dr CJ de Kock) for the full duration of their studies at Stellenbosch University, provided that they must make a success of their studies every year.

If more than one grandchild is studying simultaneously, the bursary monies are to be divided equally among them.

Should any of the donor’s grandchildren study elsewhere because the programmes they are taking are not offered by Stellenbosch University, the bursary must be placed at their disposal regardless of their place of study.

If there is no family member who qualifies for the bursary, the University may award it to one or more needy and deserving Afrikaans-speaking student(s) (mother-tonguespeakers of Afrikaans), provided that their studies must be completed successfully every year.

Stellenbosch University Stegmann (Eben Stegmann) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Deserving athletes of good and exemplary character


No applications


Each bursary is awarded for a period of a single year.

A given athlete may, however, be awarded a bursary in successive years.

Stellenbosch University Swart (JP Swart) Bursary

Swart (JP Swart)

Who qualifies?

Needy Afrikaans-speaking students qualify.

To be awarded preferably to students who come from the northern suburbs of Cape Town.


Stellenbosch University Theron Bursary

Who qualifies?

Students wishing to qualify as ministers of the church or as missionaries;

Students wishing to take a degree programme in Agriculture;

Students wishing to take a postgraduate programme in Spectrophysics;

In all cases, preference is to be given to students who are descendants of the Theron, Marais and Zeeman families.


Application forms for family bursaries are available at


Bursaries from the estate of the late Mrs RJ Marais of Tulbagh.

If in a given year there are no students who meet these conditions, the bursaries are to be granted to students from the said families who are taking any other programme at Stellenbosch University; thereafter to students coming from Tulbagh District.

A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in writing.

Stellenbosch University Union of Jewish Women of South Africa  Bursary

Who qualifies?

The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community. A

pplicants must be citizens of South Africa.


The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041

Closing date:

1 March-31 July

Value: R20 000


Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.

Stellenbosch University United Transport and Allied Trade Union Bursary

Who qualifies?

The deserving, particularly needy child of a member of the SA Footplate Staff Association qualifies.

Documentary proof of the parent’s membership must accompany the bursary application.



The bursary is awarded anew each year.

It may (though it need not) be reallocated to the existing bursary holder, provided he has been studying successfully and has reapplied.

Stellenbosch University Van Zijl Bursary

Van Zijl (Petrusa van Zijl)

Who qualifies?

Needy descendants of the six sisters of the donor, the late Mrs Petrusa Groenewald (née van Zijl) qualify.

A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in writing.


Application forms for family bursaries are available at

Stellenbosch University Viljoen Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries available to descendants and adopted children of brothers and sisters of the late Miss Elizabeth Viljoen who wish to further their studies at SU.


Application forms for family bursaries are available at


Variable and subject to the number of applications

Stellenbosch University Visser Bursary

Who qualifies?

Students who are needy, who meet the University’s merit requirements and who are members of the Dutch Reformed Church of the Cape. Preference is given to applicants born in the Wellington or Paarl Districts.

This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the donor.



Maximum R500


This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the donor.

SEE ALSO:  Ingwe FET College NSFAS Application Status

Stellenbosch University Union of Jewish Women of South Africa  Bursary

Who qualifies?

The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community. A

pplicants must be citizens of South Africa.


The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041

Closing date:

1 March-31 July

Value: R20 000


Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.


Stellenbosch University Charlton (Ethel Joyce Charlton) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Needy and deserving undergraduate students



Bursaries for undergraduate study in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or the Faculty of Education

Stellenbosch University Van Ewijck Bursary

Who qualifies?

Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying or wish to do research in a Dutch discipline or research on a terrain where the relations with the Netherlands play a roll, or students who are of Dutch descent (parentage).

Applications: / or contact the Secretary at


The research or studies also entails studies at Dutch (the Netherlands) universities or approved institutions.

Successful applicants would have to supply certain substantiating documentation, such as proof of registration as a student or proof of invitation or acceptance at a Dutch university or institution.

Closing date:

Closing date for applications for the next calendar year is 31 October.

Interim applications are also considered.

Stellenbosch University Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust Bursary

Who qualifies?

Prospective first-year students qualify. Candidates must have an average C symbol in matric. Value: Tuition fees



Renewable annually, dependent on academic performance and interview.

Candidates are encouraged to do voluntary work for a welfare organisation, or job shadowing in their field of study or future work.

Stellenbosch University Scholtz (J du P Scholtz) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Prospective first-year students qualify. Candidates must have an average C symbol in matric. Value: Tuition fees



Renewable annually, dependent on academic performance and interview.

Candidates are encouraged to do voluntary work for a welfare organisation, or job shadowing in their field of study or future work.

Stellenbosch University Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Students who study at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch University and who have already shown exceptional results within their Dutch studies.


Two yearly bursaries of varying amounts are awarded to students studying at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at the Stellenbosch University who have previously shown exceptional results in their Dutch studies.

Further information about these bursaries can be obtained at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch.

The value of these bursaries is donated by the Van Ewijck Foundation to the Department.

The Department itself decides which two candidates the bursaries are awarded to on grounds of their performances.

Candidates cannot receive both a Bursary of Merit and a general Van Ewijck bursary.

Stellenbosch University KAT Bursary


Who qualifies?

One bursary, exclusive of first-year students


Stellenbosch University Pretorius (Anna Pretorius) Bursary

Pretorius (Anna Pretorius)

Who qualifies?

Bursaries for promising, needy students



Music, Speech and Drama

Stellenbosch University Louw Bursary

Louw (The Marilyn Louw Scholarship)

Who qualifies?

One bursary for a student who is both needy and deserving (with special reference to academic achievements and sporting skills)


Stellenbosch University Taute (Babette Taute) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Applicants must be final-year or honours students.


The Trustees, Babette Taute Trust, Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, SANLAMHOF 7532

Closing date: 1 October


Book bursaries are offered for full-time or part-time study in any branch of English literature or language, including applied language studies related to English. At least half of the programme proposed must relate directly to English.

Study bursaries are offered for full-time final-year and honours students in any branch of English literature or language, including applied language studies related to English. At least half of the proposed programme of study must relate directly to English.

Stellenbosch University Bowman Bursary

Bowman (Lionel Bowman Bursary/Prize)

Who qualifies?

One bursary/prize is awarded annually to an undergraduate student for the best interpretation of a complete solo piano work by Beethoven.


The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date: 30 September


Approximately R2 500-R3 000


Students are to compete for this prize.

Applicants must give a public performance of a complete work by Beethoven in the presence of adjudicators.

Stellenbosch University Chapman Bursary


The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study


Undergraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate/s for a maximum tenure of three years; postgraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate/s for a maximum tenure of two years.

Renewal must be applied for annually.

The awards are made in consultation with the Department of Music.

Should no postgraduate candidates qualify, the total amount may be awarded to qualifying undergraduate students.

Stellenbosch University Cluver (Betsie Cluver) Bursary

Cluver (Betsie Cluver)

Who qualifies?

A single bursary for the BMus student with the overall best achievement in Piano as the principal instrument in his third year of study

Applications: No applications

Value: R2 000

Stellenbosch University Coetzee Bursary

Coetzee (JC Coetzee Bursaries for church organists)

Who qualifies?

Organ students who wish to qualify as church organists.


The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study


About R4 000 each


Merit bursaries offered by the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.

Stellenbosch University Elphick (Edna Elphick) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Registered or prospective students (part-time or full-time) or alumni of the Conservatoire (“Konservatorium”) qualify.

Applicants may not be older than twenty-five on 30 September of the year in which they participate.


The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date: 30 September


Violoncello. The award is decided by competition and applicants are required to perform a short programme in public in the presence of adjudicators.

An award will be made only if the standard is satisfactory. The money has to be used for study at the Conservatoire or at an approved institution abroad.

Stellenbosch University FAK Senior Music Bursary

FAK Senior Music Bursary


Executive Officer, FAK, PO Box 2655, BROOKLYN SQUARE 0075

Closing date: 15 November

Value: R7 000

Stellenbosch University Franken Bursary

Who qualifies?

A notably deserving full-time student in any specialised field of Music.


The Chairperson: Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study Value: R3 000


Estate of the late Mrs LEF Rosser

Stellenbosch University Hartman (Anton Hartman) Bursary

Who qualifies?

Deserving undergraduate or postgraduate students in any field of music study.


The Chairperson: Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study Value: R2 500


Two bursaries. Where a bursary holder discontinues his studies as a result of poor achievement, all the bursary monies, together with interest at the prevailing interest rate, shall be repayable.

Awards are made in conjunction with the University’s Department of Music and the Santam Trust.

Stellenbosch University Hendrikz Bursary

Hendrikz (Hilda Hendrikz)

Who qualifies?

Deserving undergraduate or postgraduate voice students.


The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

Closing date:

31 October of the previous year of study

Stellenbosch University Laetitia Morkel Bursary Fund Bursary

Laetitia Morkel Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?

Financially needy BMus students who are also academically deserving


Value: Tuition fees


Students must excel in piano.

Suitable candidates will be considered by the Music Departement.

Stellenbosch University Pretorius Bursary

Who qualifies?

Bursaries for promising, needy students



Music, Speech and Drama

Stellenbosch University Quick (Mabel Quick) Bursary




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