Roads Authority Namibia Bursaries 2024-2025

Roads Authority Namibia Bursaries 2024-2025

The establishment of the Roads Authority places Namibia on the forefront of international Roads Management best practices. The Roads Authority commits itself to contribute towards building a national pool of qualified and skilled Namibians and/or labour market through the provision of bursaries in terms of its Training and Development Policy.
Full-time undergraduate studies
The Roads Authority awards full-time bursaries annually according to its employment needs. All bursary students are viewed as Roads Authority potential employees depending on the availability of suitable vacancies after successfully completing their studies.

Who should apply?

All Namibian nationals who meet the entry requirements of the tertiary institutions and the chosen field of study will be supported by the Roads Authority. The closing date for applications is 30 September for each academic year.
Applications forms are available here on the website to be printed and filled or from the Roads Authority’s learning and development section:
Bursary Office Address
The bursary application forms can be mailed to:
The Head: Learning, OD & Performance
Roads Authority 
Private Bag 12030 
Alternatively, applications can also be hand-delivered to: 
The Head: Learning, OD & Performance
Roads Authority Head Office
c/o Bell Street & Rehobother street
Snyman Circle
Room G.10 & G.11 Ground Floor
Telephone:    +264 61 284 7058, +264 61 284 7025
Fax:         + 264 61 284 7152,+264 61 284 7653

SEE ALSO:  BestMed Bursaries

Bursary values

The Roads Authority bursary covers the following:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Book allowance

Fields of study

This may vary depending on the needs of the organisation:
Bachelor of Science (Bsc Degree) / Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech Degree) 

  • Civil
  • IT

National Diploma

  • Civil
  • IT

Selection Process
The applications are screened by the Roads Authority Training section. Applicants with excellent academic performance on secondary or tertiary level will be invited to the RA Head Office for interview.
The final selection and award is subject to the following:

  • Interview
  • Excellent academic performance
  • Students from previously disadvantaged communities (affirmative action)
  • Parents financial position / affordability
SEE ALSO:  South Africa Department of Finance Bursaries 2024-2025

What Roads Authority expect from the students sponsored 
The Roads Authority expects absolute commitment and dedication from students receiving financial assistance. Upon completion of study students are required to render one service for every year of financial aid received from Roads Authority after acquiring the qualification.
Subjects failed shall be repeated at student’s own cost. The Roads Authority reserves the right to terminate the bursary in consultation with the student in the event of poor academic performance. If the student failed to adhered to the bursary agreement, the bursary becomes payable in terms of the agreement.
The annual renewal of the bursary is dependent on the satisfactory performance of the student.​

SEE ALSO:  Exxaro Bursaries 2024-2025

See Also : List of  Bursaries in Namibia

Bank of Namibia Bursaries
University of Namibia Bursaries
Rossing Bursaries 
Social Security Commission Namibia Bursaries
MTC Bursaries in Namibia
Law Society of Namibia Bursaries
Ohlthaver and List ( OL ) Bursaries
KPMG Namibia Bursaries
De Beers Marine Namibia Scholarships and Bursaries
Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia Bursaries
PointBreak Namibia Bursaries
Burmeister and Partners ( Pty) Ltd Namibia Bursaries
Tertiary Education Assistance Namibia Bursaries ( Namdeb Bursary Scheme )
Veterinary Association of Namibia Bursaries 
Ohorongo Cement Namibia Bursaries
Namport Bursaries Application
Meatco Bursary Scheme
Standard Bank Namibia Bursaries
Nedbank Namibia
CSA Bursaries Namibia
Agribank of Namibia Bursaries
Namibia Breweries Limited Bursaries

List of Bursaries in South Africa

24 thoughts on “Roads Authority Namibia Bursaries 2024-2025”

  1. Hello. Am a student at NUST doing pre-engineering. Will to do civil engineering next year. Seeking for a bursarie here. Possible to direct me to the form?

  2. Hello can I also get a bursary if I am doing Electrical engineering at VTC??

  3. Can you please help with the application form. I am doing bachelor of geoinformation at NUST.

  4. Please forward me the application form first year student doing nursing

  5. Hallo, can I also get a bursary here, doing Diploma in Nursing? Really need financial assistance

  6. Good morning, I am a student studying bachelor in management in engineering systems, Is it possible for me to aply for this bursary?

  7. Please forward me an application form for a bursary.

  8. Hello, when is the 2019 online bursary application (for the Roads Authority Namibia) starting?

  9. when will the 2019 online application for the Roads Authority Namibia bursary starting?

  10. dear sir/ madam
    I am applying for financial assistant to further my study at NUST,, as an IT student
    I’m kindly requesting for the application form if I can apply now

  11. Dear Sir/Madam
    I am currently doing English Access Course at UNAM. Now am i eligible to apply this bursary?
    As well next year i want to do nursing at UNAM.

  12. Hi I got a scholarship in India for civil engineering and I got admited. Can i not apply now cos the due date for payments is end of june?

  13. can i apply for the bursary now ? i am a student IUM doing a bachelor in Tourism,hospitality and events management, i am in need of a bursary to pay for tuition fees.

  14. I am hereby inquiring, i am doing education specialized in B.ED(HONS
    ) UPPER PRIMARY and i have no funds to further my studies. will i be able to apply for a busary.

  15. If I apply for this bursary now and I qualify for it, can it be granted to me probably next month since I am a first year civil engineering student ?

  16. Hello, i am applying for a civil engineering course at one of the best universities in China. if i get admitted, will i qualify for the bursary too?

    • Leeborn. contact Roads Authority Namibia for details on this bursary.

  17. Dear Sir/Madam
    I am hereby appling for financial assistance to further my studies as an Economist at NUST,but i have no fund.
    I am ready to take the offer in addition to all this i am a hard worker who strives to achieve exceptional results.
    Yours Faithful
    Lyomba Albert


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