Rhodes University Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarships

Rhodes University Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarships

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarships in:  
The International Library of African Music Bursaries

The International Library of African Music is inviting applications for admission to the postgraduate programme in Ethnomusicology in the Department of Music at Rhodes University.

The subject of the research preferably has to be:

a)      either in the repatriation and revivalism of the music in the Hugh Tracey collection, or

b)      on the traditional music of any district in the Eastern Cape.

Other topics will be considered if it falls within the ambit of traditional music studies in southern Africa.

For doctoral candidates, a bursary of R120 000 per annum is available for 3 years, and for Masters degree candidates, a bursary of R90 000 per annum is available for 2 years.

SEE ALSO:  East FET College Bursary

Application Procedure:
Include the following in your applications: Full name, contact details, topic of proposed research along with a proposal of no more than 5 pages which should include a list of references, sample of writing as in an essay or a chapter in a thesis, as well as academic transcripts and the contact details of 2 referees.

Please email your applications to l.watkins@ru.ac.za

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