Meatco Bursary Scheme 2024-2025

Meatco Bursary Scheme

As a responsible corporate citizen, Meatco has again allocated funds to support students in their studies in the form of 100% bursaries.
These bursary holders also have the opportunity of hands-on work-related experience in the form of internships at Meatco before they start working back their bursaries in full-time positions at Meatco.
Bursaries were advertised in local media to support Namibian citizens who are pursuing full-time studies; who are academic achiever; who are financially deserving or orphaned; and who comply to the requirements of the Affirmative Action (Employment) act 29 of 1998 and to Meatco’s Employment Equity Plan.
Naturally, Meatco advertised bursaries in the fields of study that support succession planning for a sustainable company. Our bursary selection committee received hundreds of applications and shortlisted and interviewed 31 students in the past two years to award our bursaries.
Meatco currently has five bursary students., who we would like to introduce to you:
• Petrus N Kagogo, currently a third year student studying towards a BSc Eng. in Electro/Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cape Town (UCT).
“I was born and raised in Okaku in the north of Namibia. In my leisure time, I enjoy mountaineering and numerous sports around campus to relax and get my blood pumping. I like networking and exploring the society I live in, with a motive to broaden my horizons and expose myself to individuals with whom I share passions and preferences.
Academically, I possess a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (previously Polytechnic). However, since high school I have always wanted to pursue a career in engineering (specifically mechanical engineering), which I can now complete thanks to my Meatco bursary.”
• Priscilla Sulaica Masule, currently a second-year student studying towards a BSc-IT at the University of Namibia.
“I grew up in Rehoboth and furthered my studies at Westside High School where I completed grade 12.
I am a member of the Computing Society at the university, where we interact with other students and lecturers, and where we get to learn more about the IT industry. Technology fascinates me because it makes life so much easier. When I am not doing anything technology-related, I dance, and go to the gym. I recently also started playing tennis.
I am grateful for the opportunities the Meatco bursary has afforded me and I will make it my mission to work hard and be the best that I can be.
• Cornelia Kahl has been a Meatco bursary student since 2013. She studies BSc Animal Sciences at the University of Stellenbosch and is currently undertaking trials at Meatco’s Okapuka Feedlot towards an MSc degree.
“I grew up on a farm near to Otjiwarongo and love to be active outside, doing sports and experiencing our beautiful nature. Pets and farm animals are part of my life, as well as my family and friends who are my biggest supporters.
The main aim of this study is to improve animal welfare as well as the production performance of the cattle at the Feedlot, by introducing forms of environmental enrichments such as manure heaps and shading.
Thanks to my Meatco bursary, I also had the opportunity to do my internship at the Okapuka Feedlot and Head Office. I aim to graduate with my Masters in March 2017. I hope to be a contributing and successful full-time staff member of Meatco to work back my bursary.”
• Olebile (Moeti) Olibile began studying B. Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria.
“During my high school years we would go to the farm every weekend. Since books and friends were rare on the farm, horse riding, sports and cattle farming soon became my only form of entertainment. Though books were rare, my father would always encourage me to read his Farmer’s Weekly from which I acquired a lot of knowledge.
I matriculated as the Dux student of Wennie du Plessis Secondary School in Gobabis and in 2015 I completed an InSTEM program at the (former) Polytechnic of Namibia. I used this programme as a tool to improve my science knowledge. One thing that fuels my desire to become a veterinarian is the lack of vaccines to cure diseases, like African horse disease and foot-and-mouth disease.
There is a long road of study ahead, but with my Meatco bursary and Internships, I aim to become a valuable employee at Meatco and a contributing citizen of Namibia.”
• Ndakondja N. Shilenga has been a bursary student since 2014 and is studying BSc – IT Computer Science and Business Computing at the University of Cape Town.
“I am your typical ‘girl from the north’, born and raised in Ongwediva. I would describe myself as an outgoing, responsible, goal-oriented and understanding person. Apart from studying, I am the biggest fitness freak, having hiked up Table Mountain and Lions Head countless times. I am seriously thinking of doing the 2 Oceans Marathon.
I completed my BSc Computer Science degree last year at the University of Cape Town and I am currently doing a BCom Honours in Information Systems. Thanks to my bursary, I also completed an internship at Meatco and am really excited for next year’s work-back to see what the industry has in store for me.”

Contact Us

Head OfficeMeat Corporation of Namibia Ltd.
P.O. Box 3881
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: (+264 61) 321 6400
Fax: (+264 61) 321 6401

See Also : List of  Bursaries in Namibia

Bank of Namibia Bursaries
University of Namibia Bursaries
Rossing Bursaries 
Social Security Commission Namibia Bursaries
MTC Bursaries in Namibia
Law Society of Namibia Bursaries
Ohlthaver and List ( OL ) Bursaries
KPMG Namibia Bursaries
De Beers Marine Namibia Scholarships and Bursaries
Roads Authority Namibia Bursaries
Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia Bursaries
PointBreak Namibia Bursaries
Burmeister and Partners ( Pty) Ltd Namibia Bursaries
Tertiary Education Assistance Namibia Bursaries ( Namdeb Bursary Scheme )
Veterinary Association of Namibia Bursaries 
Ohorongo Cement Namibia Bursaries
Namport Bursaries Application
Standard Bank Namibia Bursaries
Nedbank Namibia
CSA Bursaries Namibia
Agribank of Namibia Bursaries
Namibia Breweries Limited Bursaries

SEE ALSO:  HAW & INGLIS Civil Engineering Bursaries

List of Bursaries in South Africa

21 thoughts on “Meatco Bursary Scheme 2024-2025”

  1. Iam a first year student at welwitchia doing certificate in enrolled nursing and midwifery and am in need of fanancial assistance because all my parents are not working,

  2. My name is Saima Simaneka am hereby asking for financial assistance at your company, am a third continuing to a fourth year this year 2023, am doing bachelor of secondary education at international university of management. I didn’t register because i have an outstanding that I can’t be able to pay it out myself .my mother she’s a pensioner, my father passed away, my sibling still struggling ,i don’t want to quit, I want to finish my courses and be someone life too.

    am looking forward to hear from you.
    Yours sincerely
    Saima Simaneka

  3. I am Nandjedi Fredinard doing a Ph.D. in science education at Rhodes University in my first year (2023) and I am in need of funds for study fees. I can be contacted on 081 40 55423 for any assistance

  4. Iam admitted to study pilot this 2023 but IAM not able to pay ground parents are pensioners ,they cannot afford.Am I qualified to apply for this bursary?

  5. Dear sir/ madam?
    My name is Raphael ndahekelekwa aI am doing school of nursing at I-Care training centre.
    I have a financial problem.I have no one to pay my school fees and have any outstanding fees due to my parents are all unemployed and not yet reach the age of pension. I really need money to pay my school so I can be able to get my results and sit for my final examination. Thank you

  6. good day admin hope this text finds you well, i am a Diploma holder of Entrepreneurship and New venture Management and i am currently in my second year, doing Bachelor of Education Secondary (10BCBE) at University of Namibia (UNAM), i am looking for a bursary to pay tuition fees and accommodation because my parents (mother) can not afford to pay for it, since she is unemployed.

  7. Good day administrator, Am currently doing my AS Level and I would love to fulfil my dream of becoming a CA and I need financial assistance , please help.

  8. I am writing this letter to express my situation regarding availing of the bursary aid for my
    undergraduate studies in Finance; [bachelor of economics] to assist me in funding my studies for the 2023 academic year. I believed that my financial situation, combined with my record of hard work and dedication, make me a good candidate for your bursary, allowing me to pursue my dream of becoming an Economist. I am currently in my third year, studying towards a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the Namibia University of Science and Technology [NUST].
    I would like to know if I can apply for the bursary.


  9. am a deep orphan at the university of Namibia doing a BA in POLITICAL SCIENCE(HONOURS)
    Would like to ask if i also qualify for the bursaries offered.

  10. I would like to know the required fields for the bursary.Any contact details or email address please.

  11. I am 3rd year student at NUST studying Logistics and Supply Management. Looking for internship opportunities and funding to further my studies.
    Can I get some more information.

  12. I am 3rd year student at NUST studying Logistics and Supply Management. Looking for internship opportunities and funding to further my studies.

  13. I am a first year student studying bachelor of management in engineering systems in Russia, i would like to know if it is possible for me to apply for the bursary.

  14. My name is Albertin Hamukwaya am an orphan meaning I dont have both of my biological parents, am third year student studying towards my high diploma in Banking,Credit and Finance at Namibia Institution of Bankers .I would like to go further my study next year at South Africa Institution of Bankers and am now asking if you are able to issue financial assistance to students in my condition.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Yours Faithfully
    Albertin Hamukwaya

  15. God morning i am a student at International University of Management , i am doing a bachelor in Tourism,Hospitality and Events Management. i am looking for financial assistance so that i can finish my degree.

  16. Hi
    I would like to know whether you also assist students studying Biochemistry (HON) Biomedical Science.

  17. When will your due date of applying because I’m 1st year students at Nust doing bachelor’s of Logistics and Supply Chain

    • Tresia, required fields of study vary per intake. Contact Meatco for details.


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