Wits University External and Corporate Sponsorship

Wits University External and Corporate Sponsorship

Our goal is to administer the funds that external sponsors award to students. We allocate funds to the student fee account and we process allowances permitted by the sponsors. We also provide results and fee statements to the sponsors on behalf of the students.

Points to remember

  • Make enquiries early in the year for possible sponsors.
  • Apply to as many sponsors as possible.
  • Check closing dates – many sponsors will not accept late applications.
  • If you are unable to obtain financial aid, you are advised to postpone plans to attend university until you have sufficient funds.
  • You must apply directly to outside organizations for full particulars and application forms for bursaries, scholarships and loans offered by outside organizations, which have no contract commitments.
  • You can google possible sponsors, request advice from our Student Liaison officers or visit our website to see if any bursary calls have been advertised on behalf of the sponsor.
SEE ALSO:  CPUT NSFAS Online Application for 2024-2025

Some of the External Sponsors administered by our office which students can contact are:

  • among others, SASOL Bursaries, Eskom Bursary, Vodacom Bursary;
  • administer all governmental bursaries and scholarships both national and provincial

Wits DOES NOT have the application forms for the awards listed in this section.


Regular Consultation Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30 – 16:00

For more information contact:

Student Liaison Officer
Mr Premesh Shinol
Tel: (011) 717 1077
email: premesh.shinol@wits.ac.za  OR

Student Liaison Officer
Mr Mawethu Xotyeni
Tel: (011) 717 1086
email: mawethu.xotyeni@wits.ac.za

Wits University Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Wits University Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship

Wits University Undergraduate Equality Scholarships

Wits University Sports Scholarships

SEE ALSO:  How To Start A Private School In Namibia

Wits University National Olympiad Winners

Wits University Undergraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

Wits University Postgraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

Wits University Bank loans

Wits University Bursaries for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

Wits University DHET Gap Funding Applications

Wits University Discretionary Fund funding opportunity

Wits University NSFAS Online Application 

List of Other Wits University  Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships


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