Wits University Bursaries, Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

Wits University Bursaries, Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

Aside the availability of the Wits University NSFAS Student Aid, the university has in stock other bursaries aimed at students who demonstrate the potential for academic success. These bursaries include undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries. Below are details on them. Students must keep in mind that these bursaries are not automatically awarded, students will have to apply for them.

Wits University Undergraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

Undergraduate University Funding

The University of Witwatersrand offers several scholarships for undergraduate students. Most of these Scholarships are based on academic merit. The Limit for all Undergraduate University Administered Funding is R 155 000.

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If a student receives an external bursary (regardless of the source) which is more than the maximum allocation of R155 000, he/she will be required to re- turn the University funding. This is to enable the University to assist other Wits students.

All university awards will be cancelled and forfeited should a student deregister for any given reason.

Wits University Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Wits University Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship

Wits University Undergraduate Equality Scholarships

Wits University Sports Scholarships

Wits University National Olympiad Winners

Wits University Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Wits University Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship

Wits University Undergraduate Equality Scholarships

Wits University Sports Scholarships

Wits University National Olympiad Winners


Wits University Postgraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

When considering postgraduate studies you need to assess realistically your potential sources of funding for fees and living expenses (full-time students). As you are aware, there is strong competition for scholarship merit awards for full-time students.

SEE ALSO:  Wits University NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

Here are some of the types of funding you can apply for:

NB: Please note that the Postgraduate Travel Grant and Wits Bursaries funding has been discontinued

Other Scholarships Offered by Wits University.

Wits University External and Corporate Sponsorship

Wits University Bank loans

Wits University Bursaries for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

Wits University DHET Gap Funding Applications

Wits University Discretionary Fund funding opportunity

Wits University NSFAS Online Application 

List of Other Wits University  Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

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