SAICA Bursaries 2024-2025

SAICA Bursaries 2024-2025

In 2002 SAICA funded the Thuthuka (meaning ‘to develop’) fund in aid of disadvantaged citizens to further their education. They were given public benefit organization status in 2005 and have grown exponentially since then. They are one of the world’s top accounting institutes and believe in Integrity, Confidentiality, Objectivity, Professional Behavior, Professional Competence and Due Care.

They offer students not only bursaries but also hold Mathematics skills camps in all the provinces throughout South Africa with great results. Their aim is to develop a well-educated country and they are surely doing an outstanding job and transforming our youth into skilled adults.

If you are currently a Grade 12 student in South Africa or have just completed your Grade 12 and you would like to study BCom Accounting then this bursary might just be the opportunity you have been waiting for. SAICA bursaries are awarded to exceptional candidates and there are usually an amount of 250 to 300 bursaries available. Live your dreams of becoming a Chartered Accountant.

If you have a driving passion for education, love mathematics and your dream is to become a Chartered Accountant then this bursary is the ideal opening for you. You will also be asked to enter an arrangement with SAICA if you are awarded a bursary. Their professional standards and fundamental ethics will help you gain the correct education and career.

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You will have to apply at one of the following Universities if you have not already done so:

  • University of Pretoria
  • University of the Orange Free State
  • University of Stellenbosch
  • University – Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
  • University of the Witwatersrand (WITS)
  • University of Cape Town (BAC of commerce / CB011)


What you need to possess before applying for this bursary program is as follows:

  • A 60 % for Mathematics at the end of grade 11 ( MATHS LITERACY IS NOT ACCEPTED)
  • Excellent points in all other subjects
  • Will you be able to qualify for University Entry with the points you have
  • Need help with further studies financially
  • An African or Colored student with a valid South African ID
  • A South African citizen

To prove that financial assistance is needed the selected candidates will have to do a NSFAS means Test. This will provide SAICA the necessary information to determine if you are in need of financial aid to further your studies as this is a great part of the bursary.


For more information on their bursaries, candidates can visit the SAICA Website. You can download the application form by clicking the link below:

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If you decide to print out the application form and fill it in rather that applying online you need to be sure to send it with all the relevant documents to: Thuthuka Bursary Fund, P.O. Box 59875, Kengray, 2100.

The relevant documentation that should be certified and included with your application is:

  • Current ID photo
  • Student ID
  • Parent / Guardian ID
  • Salary advice slip or Affidavit for unemployed
  • Final grade 11 school results or Grade 12 Certificate if no longer in School
  • Copies of ID’s of all dependent family members that are provided for by household income
  • University Acceptance Letter

You also need to send a letter stating the following questions and your answers:

  • What motivates you on becoming a Chartered Accountant, why is this career choice the right one for you?
  • Why do you feel this bursary should be awarded to you, what makes you special or different?

Then also include a short write-up about you, your family and your future plans as well as the career choices and you future plans. Also include a stamped letter that you can obtain at you School that states your enrolment and your subjects of study.
You will also be required to write a NBT (National Benchmark Test) and the results also need to be included with your other documentation or if you do not have them yet be sure to forward them as soon as possible.

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The SAICA bursary application process usually ends the end of April each year. After the closing date, all the candidate applications will be screened and the suitable qualifying candidates will be notified of the testing dates.

After the testing results have been received and analysed they will be forwarded to the chosen Universities, where eligibility will be confirmed in the following January after the Grade 12 results. The collected candidates will then be notified and will start their studies at the selected University.

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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