Rhodes University Language Committee

Rhodes University Language Committee

Rhodes University Language Committee

Rhodes University Multilingual Oral Storytelling Competition Language and Identities, and the Identity of Language: Celebrating Multilingualism through  Story-Telling

Ukhuphiswano lokubalisa amabali ngeelwimi ezininzi kwiYunivesithi iRhodes Ulwimi nobuni, kunye nobuni bolwimi: Kubhiyozelwa ukubaliswa kwamabali ngeelwimi ezininzi

Rhodes Universiteit se meertalige mondelinge storievertel kompetisie Taal en identiteite en die identiteit van taal: Ons vier meertaligheid deur stories te vertel

The Rhodes University Language Committee is engaged in a project to raise critical awareness on campus about multilingualism in Higher Education in South Africa. As part of this project the annual colloquium will take place on 27 September in Barratt Lecture Theatre 1, 18.00.

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All are welcome to attend and participate.

Also a multilingual storytelling competition is being held campus-wide:

  • Entrants need to tell a personal and original story about language and identity. You need to do an ORAL performance of your story.
  • You must use two or more of the official languages of the province (English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans and Sesotho).
  • Your story must not exceed 3 minutes.
  • The story should be submitted as MP3 format, 44100kHz, 16bit for audio OR MP4 for video (you can also email a link if you have uploaded to YouTube or SoundCloud).
  • The story should display linguistic competence in two or more of the province’s official languages i.e. should not be predominantly in one language with just a few words of a second language included.
  • Entrants must be full time Rhodes University students or staff members.
  • The closing date for entries is 15 September .
  • Send all entries to s.naidu@ru.ac.zawith subject heading clearly marked as Multilingual Oral Storytelling Competition. Include your full name and student number.
  • The winner will receive a cash prize of R1500.00. Runners-up receive R500.00 each.
  • The winners will be announced at the colloquium on 27 September .
  • The overall winner will perform their story at the colloquium (3 minutes).
SEE ALSO:  Check NWU NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025

For further information please contact: Prof Sam Naidu (s.naidu@ru.ac.za)

Convenor: Annual Multilingualism Colloquium

For more details see also: http://www.ru.ac.za/multilingualism/

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