NSFAS Postgraduate Qualifications Application

NSFAS Postgraduate Qualifications Application

NSFAS only provides financial support for the following postgraduate programmes:
1. B Tech – Architecture/Architectural Technology;
2. B Tech – Biokinetics/Biomedical Technology/Biotechnology;
3. Postgraduate Certificate in Education;
4. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting; and
5. LLB.
Postgraduate students who do other qualifications and wish to apply for funding, are advised to apply with the National Research Foundation (NRF), which will open for applications for postgraduate support in October 2017.

The following is NRF’s application process and contact details for the Honours and Final Year B Tech Block Grant call for 2018.

Applications for funding in 2018 must then be submitted, to the university where they intend to register, through the NRF Online Submission System by accessing the link: https://nrfsubmission.nrf.ac.za/.
Application Process
Students must first identify the university where they will be registered for the Honours’ or final year B Tech degree.
The call for applications will open from 02 October to 20 December 2017 for prospective Hons and Final Year B tech students. The call will be shared on the NRF website as well as University Postgraduate and/or Research Offices.

For programme related enquiries, please call: (012 481 4124) or Email: SupportDesk@NRF.ac.za

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