NSFAF Application Form 2024-2025 PDF Download

NSFAF Application Form 2024-2025 PDF Download

Click here for NSFAF Online Application 2024-2025

Application forms become available on the portal in August of each year, and also at H/IGCSE schools, regional education offices of the Ministry of Education and at the NSFAF office and other institutions of Higher Education. Closing date for all applications is every 15th of December in exception of the fixed quotas. Late applications may not be considered. For that you must registrer on the NSFAF portal and fulfil all the information needed for the application form. Also student has the possibility to set an appointment with the Regional Officer, if he need assistance.
Once the application form acknowledged and presented to the Selection Committees for initial consideration. Only the recommended applications are thereafter submitted for approval to the Permanent Secretary or responsible official appointed by the Board. Also only appeal applications from students who were unsuccessful during the initial selections (January/February) may be considered in between March and April. All applications with any outstanding or pending documents/information would be immediately turned down by the Committees.

After connecting to your private space, you can remotely monitor the progress of your request.

  • Incomplete file: After the validation of the submission form, the student must go to the regional office to submit original supporting documents for verification and approval.
  • Verification of the supported documentation provided: The responsible of the Regional Office (Regional Officer) will check the consistency of documents provided by the student with the information entered in the submission form in order to avoid any kind of fraud. If there is one (or more) missing piece, the status of the application will be updated automatically on the system by specifying the missing piece (s)
  • Complete file: All documents provided by the student are accepted. The student can, in the next step, register in a local university or abroad to be included in the selection process for Grant / Loan.
  • University registration: Two cases arise at this stage:
  • Not registered yet : The student has not yet been registered at any university. The system then informs him aboutregistration deadlines. If the student does not register at a university, he/she will not receive a loan / grant
  • Registered to multiple universities: The student is registered at several universities. The system then informs the user to confirm with one university.
  • Record accepted: The student will then receive a loan / grant from the NSFAF. In addition to the notification issued by the system, an email will be send to the student to inform him/her that his application is accepted.
SEE ALSO:  NSFAF Awards 2017 - 2018 | Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards


33 thoughts on “NSFAF Application Form 2024-2025 PDF Download”

  1. I’m Freddy Shikongo S a first year student at Namibia University of Science and Technology at Main Campus Windhoek. I would like to apply for a study loan. To further my study. I’m having 28 points in total at NUST scale. My subjects scores are; English=D, Math=C, Physical Science=B, Agriculture=C and Oshikwanyama= Level 3. I have the Campus’s proof of registration, all declarations and all certified id copies .

  2. good morning p

    may I please receive the application form nsfaf

  3. good morning p

    mai please riceive the aplication form nasfaf

  4. Respective/s
    I applied for funding in 2022 for nursing at Welwitschia, didn’t get admitted but, was issued a provisional award and, an acknowledgement letter by NSFAF.
    is there a possibility to reapply for the loan?

  5. I was funded by NSFAF 2021 in education course but it was now my intended career and now I have applied for a bachelor in law. can NSFAF fund me again for my 1st year?

  6. I am Matias ndove ,,I am to ask if I have approved for the loan I have applied for,Id number 98022000280, school name, antlatic training institute,,course . occupational health an safety

  7. Guys can I apply loan having
    Bio=D NSSCAS
    0SHI = B NSSCO

  8. My daughter lost her phone with all information of nsfaf even the password,she is senior students who paid 2022 cash for studies,due to previous modules failed in 2021,but did passed in 2022,does she has to apply again for loan funding for 2023,or will.she.proceed automatically for 2023,how.will.she get entry on nsfaf portal after she lost all with password with the phone

  9. Are you eligible for a loan if you do not poses one of your parents Identification document

  10. Can you please send for me the application form to my e-mail

  11. Hi dear sir/ maddam i need assistance i can fond the applications form pleasw would you be so kind to help me

  12. I want to apply for loan but I don’t know where to get the form
    All on Advanced Subsidiary Level

  13. i put a wrong email address and password when i applied,what can i do?

  14. Dear sir /madam
    I would like to know if I do qualify for a loan .May you please calculate for me
    Oshindonga -level 3
    Phys -C

  15. I am far north in Omusati region ,where can I get the form


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