MINTEK Bursaries 2024-2025

MINTEK Bursaries 2024-2025

In 1934, Mintek was recognized as a minerals explorations laboratory by the South African Government. The Government still today funds it partially with the following directive “To Promote Mineral Technology and to Foster the Establishment and Expansion of Industries in the Field of Minerals and Products Derived from them”. Mintek is an independent organization that specializes in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy in gold, platinum, base metals, ferroalloys and industrial minerals.

In alliance with metal producers and also mineral producers internationally and locally Mintek develops exceptional technology and allocates it to industries for purifying, treating, developing and extracting of the mineral products with use of laboratories and pilot plant facilities.

Mintek provides two different bursary programs for students. They have an Undergraduate bursary program and also a Postgraduate bursary program. They intend to fill their operations, development and research sectors with highly skilled South Africans. Their Undergraduate program equips students with a degree, BTech diploma or Honor’s degree. Their Postgraduate program further develops undergraduates to a Doctorate level. Once they have finished their studies students work for Mintek on a year to year basis and also partake in a rigorous training course to strengthen what they have learned and give them a perfect career. They will help you to become an exceptional scientist and you will be privileged enough to work side by side with some of the world’s top researchers.

SEE ALSO:  South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Postgraduate Grants


Mintek Bursaries are very comprehensive and include the following:

  • The University Tuition Fee
  • Full Registration Fee
  • The Exam Fee
  • University Housing Fee
  • University Meal Fee
  • University Book fee
  • Spending Money

Study Fields

Mintek will not give bursaries to National Diploma students. Mintek specializing in minerals has a vast field of study and can ensure the fields are all very exciting. The study fields provided by Mintek bursary programs are as follow:

  • Fuel Cells Study
  • Nano Technology & Science
  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Physics
  • Engineering Mining
  • Mining Environmental Compliance
  • Engineering Mechanical
  • Catalysis
  • Processing Minerals
  • Precious Metals / based drug discovery
  • Analytical / Geochemistry (Chemistry)
  • Engineering Chemical (Process control & Mineral Processing)
  • Engineering Electrical (Electronics & Process Control)
  • Geology in the following fields Economic, Applied, Petrology & Mineralogy

Some of these courses are only for Postgraduate students so please enquire at Mintek.


Learners need to be interested to study for a BTech diploma / Degree in the subjects above.

To apply for a bursary at Mintek a student will need to have the following:

  • South African ID
  • Be a South African citizen
  • If you are currently studying at a University you can apply
  • If you are a Grade 12 student you can apply
SEE ALSO:  King Sabatha Dalindyebo FET College Bursary

Grade 12 learners need the following:

  • English Level 5
  • Mathematics Level 5
  • Physical Science Level 5

Undergraduate Bursaries need the following:

  • South African citizens that are studying full time
  • Learners that are enrolled at a University but have no financial assistance that is connected to a service contract after completion of studies.

These bursaries are also available for Matriculates that have University approval upon Matriculation exemption.
Learners who have had Physical Science & Mathematics during Grade 10 – 12 with a minimum of Level 5 results in both subjects.

Postgraduate Bursaries need to know the following:

These are offered pending Mintek’s research and development program.
Candidates that are accepted also need to be approved by the Mintek research manager in the field and the potential Mintek supervisor that will be handling the project.
Negotiations will take place between the student’s University Supervisor, the student and the Mintek Project Supervisor.
This bursary program also allows for Foreign Nationals that are staying in South Africa to apply in special conditions.


Bursary applications can’t be done online, but you can download a form here:


The undergraduate forms can be found here:


The postgraduate forms can be found here:


Once you have completed the form and added all the relevant documents to your form you can send it to the following address: Mintek Bursary Office, Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125
Please remember to attach certified copies of all documents and not the originals.

SEE ALSO:  Rhodes University Scholarships for Overseas Study


The closing date for applications yearly differs for the different bursary programs. For the Undergraduate program, the closing is the end of July. The Postgraduate program does not have a closing date.

Ensure that you send in your application and all documentation that is required on time to ensure a possibility of becoming a candidate. Take note that only those candidates that make the short list will be contacted. No late entries will be accepted. If you have not heard from Mintek within 3 months of the closing date then you can assume you were not selected.

Everything to do with mineral processing and metallurgy is one of Mintek’s specialties. Their divisions are designed to handle scientific and engineering progress and specific technology. If you have the need to study and to know how everything works then a place at Mintek is just what you need. Apply today and walk the golden path to knowledge.

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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