Metropolitan Bursary in South Africa 2024-2025

Metropolitan Bursary in South Africa 2024-2025


Metropolitan was formed in 1897, is a division of MMI Holdings and is one of the biggest financial service organisations in South Africa.

With branches in a number of African countries, including Botswana; Ghana; Kenya; Lesotho; Namibia; Nigeria; South Africa and Swaziland, their goal is to help clients make smart choices with regards to their personal finances.

Metropolitan’s services include life, health and funeral cover, as well as retirement and savings plans.

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Metropolitan are seeking candidates who excel academically and wants to pursue a career in the Actuarial Science and life insurance field. The bursary will cover the following expenses: registration, tuition, accommodation, prescribed textbooks, incidentals and an annual travel allowance. There are also incentive bonuses for achievements.

Students in second year and onward will be able to partake in vacation work and on completion of their studies, students will be assigned an experienced Actuary as a Mentor.


Applicants must meet the following minimum criteria before applying:

  • Obtain a minimum of 85% for Mathematics and Additional Mathematics and Mathematics 3 in Matric,
  • Obtain an “A” mark/ level 6 in at least 2 other subjects in Matric,
  • Studying (or intend to study) towards a Actuarial bachelors degree,
  • Studying (or intend to study) at The University Stellenbosch or UCT,
  • Must complete the qualification within the designated period.
SEE ALSO:  DUT Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme – for Returning Students



Apply online at: by clicking the “Continue” button. Please be sure to read the “bursary conditions” before applying so that you know exactly what is expected of you.


30 June annually.


For any bursary queries, please contact
Melanie Banda (Actuarial Bursary Administrator)
Tel: 021 940 5911

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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