Journalism Bursaries in South Africa 2024-2025

Journalism Bursaries in South Africa 2024-2025

Are you a thrill seeker with a passion for adventure and life?  Then journalism might be the career path you have been looking for.  Bursaries are a financial aid given to deserving candidates to study into a field that they love.  Can you handle the world of media?

Here are some of the most commonly found study fields found with journalism:

  • Journalism
  • Media Studies
  • Information gathering & processing
  • Laws & Policies
  • Photojournalism
  • Electronic Media
  • Publishing

For an applicant to qualify as a bursary student the following has to be met.

  • You have to be a South African citizen with a valid ID Book / ID Card.
  • You have to be able to prove the need for financial assistance.
  • You have to be able to prove a willingness to learn as well as a passion for the field of study chosen and outstanding academic records.
SEE ALSO:  MQA Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2024-2025

Many journalism courses are available although a Bachelor in Journalism will take 4 years to complete.  A Master degree will only be another 2 year study period after you have completed your Bachelor degree and for a PhD, you can add another 2 years to that at least.

There are a number of companies providing bursaries for these and many other fields of study that one could consider for a bursary.  You can have a look at:

  • Media 24
  • BIKO
  • Ekuhurleni
  • NFVF
  • Trudon
  • Wits Journalism

They all have bursaries available each year in these fields of study.

To become a great journalist, a candidate should be able to work under pressure with no problems and adhere to deadlines.  Candidates have to be detail orientated with exceptional people skills.  Are you always curious, asking question after question and never giving up until you know everything?

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Journalists are required for many industries such as radio, television, and newspapers as well as online.  They should be honest and reliable bringing news to readers that are informative.  Journalist studies prepare students to function as writers, editors and reporters for magazines and other forms of media.  There is also public relations, marketing and advertising to consider as career paths with journalism.

Are you a real ‘go getter’ that loves the rush?  Do you love tracking down the truth and spreading the word?  Journalism is an exciting career with never a dull moment!  Do you have excellent listening skills as well as knowing which questions to ask?  Can you take the lead and do what is required when the time comes?  If you feel this is what you want then make your application and enter a whole new world.

SEE ALSO:  KZN Department of Health Bursary 2024-2025

 Learnerships : Bursaries : Apprenticeships : Traineeships : and Internships Available Now


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