Funza Lushaka Bursary 2024-2025

Funza Lushaka Bursary 2024-2025

The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a national programme headed by the Department of Basic Education, funded by the National Treasury and administered by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

There is no doubt that a solid education is the answer to many of our country’s problems, and as such, the government runs this scheme in order to make it easier for interested individuals to become teachers to help shape our youth.

The bursary is valid for one year at a time, successful bursary holders must re-apply each year if they wish to cover the entire duration of their studies.

Fields of Study
Bursaries are awarded to full-time, part-time and distance education students who have been accepted to higher education institutions for the following degree types:

  • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) and Bachelor of Technology (BTech), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) with majors suitable for admission to a PGCE programme upon graduation; at least one of the major subjects must be selected from the priority area subjects listed below.

Priority Area Subjects
Foundation Phase (Gr R-3, ages 5-9):

  • Foundation phase specialisation

Intermediate Phase (Gr 4-6; ages 10-12):

  • African Languages
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Technology

Senior Phase (Gr 7-9; ages 13-15):

  • African Languages
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Technology

FET Phase (Gr 10-12; ages 16-18):

  • Accounting
  • African Languages
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Civil Technology
  • Computer Applications Technology
  • Economics
  • Electrical Technology
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • English Language
  • Geography
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Mechanical Technology
  • Physical Sciences


Applicants for the Funza Lushaka Bursary must meet the following basic requirements in order to be considered:

  • Must be a South African citizen with a valid ID
  • Must have already been accepted to an appropriate field of study at a recognised higher education institution
  • Must be committed to and enthusiastic about a professional teaching career with interests that include working with young people, readiness to face and overcome challenges
  • Must have personal integrity
SEE ALSO:  Denel Dynamics Bursaries 2024-2025

Academic Criteria
For individuals applying for the first time for university:

  • Completion of matric with an exemption, endorsement or admission to a Bachelor Degree study
  • Level 4 pass / 60% (SG) or 50% (HG) for a matric subject which leads to the priority area
  • For those who wish to specialise in the foundation level:
    • A passing grade in Mathematics/Mathematic Literacy (if the individual matriculated before 2008 when Maths was not compulsory, an overall good performance—average of 50%—may still be considered)
    • Level 4 pass / 60% (SG) or 50% (HG) in home language
  • For those who wish to specialise in technology subjects but did not take those subjects at a matric level, a pass in Maths or Math Literacy is needed

For individuals who are already at university or enrolling for PGCE:

  • A passing grade for all modules studies in the last year of study at university
  • Minimum of 55% average across all modules studied in the last year

For existing bursars who are reapplying:

  • Must have passed 2/3 of the modules/priority area modules studied in the past year
  • Must have a minimum of 50% across all modules and progressing to the next level/year of study

1. Undergraduate (1)
This bursary option encompasses a four-year Bachelor of Education degree, specialising in all five phases.

2. Undergraduate (2)
This particular bursary option is open to those who wish to study any three or four-year long Bachelors degree which includes a field that will allow the student to progress to the one-year PGCE.

3. Graduate
This bursary option is available to individuals who have qualified for the PGCE, i.e. those who have graduated from their degrees that include majors in priority areas.
Each of the three qualifications mentioned above must include subjects in at least one priority area for which the individual plans to specialise in as a teacher. Students will also have to specialise in a particular phase for the Bed and PGCE qualifications.



  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation costs (for either residence or approved accommodation)
  • Meals
  • Small monthly allowance for living expenses
  • In exceptional circumstances, travelling costs may be included if the cost of travelling hiders the student from accepting the bursary
SEE ALSO:  South Africa Department of Health Bursaries 2024-2025

Selection Process
The university to which the individual has applied for the bursary will notify them of the outcome of their Funza Lushaka online applications; a letter will also be sent from the Department of Basic Education.
Funza Lushaka will use email or SMS as a means of communication with bursars, so they are expected to have a valid and working email address as well as a cell phone.

Important Information
What Happens After the Qualification
After the bursar has successfully completed all studies and holds the qualification of a certified teacher, he or she will be contractually obligated to teach in a provincial teaching post for every year that they received a bursary. Individuals will be allowed to choose the province; if, however, there is no post available in the selected province at the time, the bursar will have to accept an offer in a different province.
This contractual obligation may not be deferred, i.e. the bursar must start teaching immediately after qualification; no gap year may be taken.
Individuals who have any further question or concerns can get the Funza Lushaka contact details directly from the university to which they have applied. If any issues can not be resolved by the designated administrative coordinators, only then should the Department of Basic Education be contacted.

How to Apply For the Funza Lushaka Bursary?
Individuals can only apply for the bursary once they have been accepted to the university of their choice and have been allocated a valid student number – the student number is needed in order to complete the Funza Lushaka application form online. More information on their bursary program can be found on the Funza Lushaka Website.


Applications must be submitted for the Funza Lushaka bursary from 1st October before the closing date of 13th January.
Re-applications must also be submitted online before the closing date of 20th December.

Application closing dates will be published online Here if there are any changes.

 See Also
AAUW Bursaries
ABSA Bursaries
AfriSam Bursaries
Allan Gray Bursaries
Anglo Coal Bursaries
Anglo Platinum Ltd Bursaries
Aurecon Bursaries Program
BBD Bursaries 
BestMed Bursaries
Bhp Billiton Bursaries
BMW Bursaries 
British American Tobacco Bursaries
Bursaries for Engineering 
Bursary For Software Engineering 2017 Offered By We Think Code_
Coca Cola Bursaries
Construction Education and Training Authority CETA Bursaries
CSIR Bursaries ()
David Morrison Bursaries
De Beers Bursaries
Denel Dynamics Bursaries
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Bursaries 
Department of Correctional Services Bursaries
Department of Education Bursaries 
Department of Finance Bursaries
Department of Health Bursaries
Department of Higher Education Bursaries
Department of Public Works Bursaries 
Department of Social Development Bursaries
Department of Transport Bursaries
Ekurhuleni Bursaries
Ernest & Young Bursaries
Eskom Bursaries ()
Exxaro Bursaries ()
Fidelity Fund Bursaries Program
First National Bank Bursaries
First Rand Laurie Dippenaar Scholarship
Fullbright Scholarship & Bursary Program
Funza Lushaka Bursary
GIBB Bursaries
Glencore (XSTRATA) Bursaries
Gold Fields Bursaries 
Great North Transport Bursaries
Harmony Gold Bursaries
HAW & INGLIS Civil Engineering Bursaries
HCI Foundation Bursaries
HESA Commonwealth Scholarship/ Bursaries
Inscape Bursaries 2017 for Disadvantaged Learners
Investec Bursary
ISASA Bursaries
Kantey & Templer Bursaries
KPMG Bursaries
Kumba Iron Bursaries
KwaZulu Natal Bursaries
Lonmin Bursaries
Mayoral Bursaries
Mercedes Bursaries
Merseta Bursary: How to Apply for ?
MINTEK Bursaries
MTN Bursaries
MultiChoice Bursaries
Murray & Roberts Bursaries
National Treasury Bursaries
National Youth Development Agency Bursaries 
Nedbank Bursaries Program
Netcare Bursaries Programme
NMISA Bursaries
NSFAS Bursaries 
NSFAS Bursary
Old Mutual Bursaries
Oxford Graduate Scholarships Bursaries
Palabora Copper Bursaries
Petra Diamonds Bursaries
PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) Bursaries
SA Military Bursaries Program
SAB Bursaries 2017 (South African Breweries)
Sacema Bursaries
SAICA Bursaries
SAIRR Bursaries
SAMA Bursaries
SANSA Bursaries
SAPPI Bursaries 
SAPS Bursaries (South African Police Services)
SARS Bursaries 2017
Sasol Bursaries
Shoprite Bursaries
Siemens Bursaries 
Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo Bursaries
SPOORNET (Transnet Freight Rail) Bursaries
Stanlib Bursaries
Stefanutti Stocks Bursaries
Study Trust Bursaries
Sun International Bursaries
Telkom Bursaries
The National Skills Fund Bursaries
The Rhodes Trust Scholarship / Bursaries
Thuthuka Bursary Fund
TISO Foundation Bursaries: Bursaries for the Disadvantages Youth
Unilever Bursaries
Vodacom Bursaries
Volkswagen Bursaries
SEE ALSO:  2024-2025 NSFAS Application Forms Download

51 thoughts on “Funza Lushaka Bursary 2024-2025”

  1. Pingback: 2awestruck
  2. Hi
    I am Siphe
    Please help me with the bursary as I need financial assistance to further my education.

  3. Hi I am Lenhle Masuku, I am already studying Bed at UKZN and i wish to be funded by Funza Lushaka busary.

  4. Currently studying Bed would like to be helped with funza bursary

  5. In the rural areas learners always pass with bachelor’s grades but because they lake information they end up not furthering their studies as they come from poor backgrounds; I went to UKZN not knowing what I was going to register with, I wish I knew about all the bursaries available.
    My suggestion is that whoever have information plz share and the skim have to make ways to reach to rurals because they do not have access to Internet

  6. im interested in getting the busary please help me through

  7. Hello my name is Lwazi Theologian Maseko, i studied Financial Management at Nkangala Tvet College and in need of studying to be a qualified teacher

  8. Hi I’m Tsholanangmathebula and I would like to do Teaching FET and I need financial assistance

  9. Hi my name is Anna Rahube I have passed my matrix with a higher certificate..I’m suffering with financial issues and I would like to have an assistance on how to apply

  10. Hi I’m currently doing Grade 12, I’m passionate when it comes to working with children, and I would like to teach the intermediate phase. I’m looking for financial support from funza to further my studies

  11. I am still doing grade 12 and i would like to do teaching foundation phase can anyone assist me on how to apply for ths bursary

  12. Hi my name is Philile Gumede i would like funza Lushaka to help me to do my studies for next yr

  13. Hi my name is amina i only have my matric I would like to study teaching but I don’t have the financial assistance.

  14. Hi I have matriculated in 2010. I’m very interested in teaching, but the problem is that I don’t have means to continue with my studies and no one else who can pay my studies. I just need help on Funza Lushaka

  15. I am Nqobile from Unisa, I am currently studying ABET. I am looking for financial assistance to further my studies in Education fuculty.

  16. Hi am doing level 5.the aim is to start a degree in teaching nxt yr so can u help me wth finza

  17. Hi,im Donald Mdluli I have passed my matric with an admission to a bachelor’s degree,and I’m looking for financial assistance to further my studies in Education faculty.

  18. I am interested in teaching and would like assistance in acquiring a bursary for the 2019 academic year

  19. Hi can a person who passed Level 4 Abet and interested in teaching apply for this bursary

  20. I want to further my studies, my name is Abigail, I’m 38 years of age.I couldn’t study further than matric because i was less fortunate. I would love to study education n teaching,foundation n intermediate phase. Do I still qualify for fundza lushaka bursaries?

  21. I want to study I’m 33years of age and have done matric in 2004 so what do I do or must I do to apply for bursary

  22. iam currently studying at unisa but I have financial problems I love teaching so I like to know that fundza can fund me

    • iam currently studying at unisa but I have financial problems I love teaching so I like to know that fundza can fund me

  23. I really need this bursary help me to achieve my dream of being a teacher

  24. I like being a teacher and teach other kids be like us who’re educated. I only have financial problem and would like to have this course.

  25. i am sange from stellenbosch i am intrested in teaching but i dont have someone that will pay for my studies. i am hard working person willing to study.


  27. I am doing grade 12 and I am interested in teaching but I don’t have someone who can pay for my studies. I just need help on funza lushaka

  28. I would like to be notified when the next application for the bursary opens, currently doing my first year in Bachelor of Education

  29. Currectly i,m doing my n6 in educare. Next year i want to further my studies in education. Funza would be a great help for me

  30. I am currently doing grade 12 looking financial assistance for teaching course 2019 academic year

  31. I was doing matrix on 2008 ND I passed Bachelor degree I qualify for Fundza bursary ND I want to know if u able to pay me when m on private college?

  32. I am a student of Walter Sisulu University studying BEd Humanities. I registered this year on the 2nd of March 2018. I don’t have any funding plz assist me with funding

  33. Iam currently doing grade 12 and iam interest in teaching.I would like to ask for financial assistances

  34. Hi I have matriculated in 2014.I’m interested in teaching ,but I’m only got 20 points in my Nsc.I don’t know weather I will able to accepted for foundation phase and be able to funded by fundza lushaka.

    • I study at Unisa doing my fourth in Bachelor degree of Education I v using Nsfas last year unfortunately im still waiting for payment I can not afford books life is hard Can I get help for only this year?

  35. I’m currently doing grade 12 and I’m interested in teaching. I’d like ask for financial assistances.

  36. I would to further my education but I don’t have someone who will help me financially.


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