DUT Bursaries ,Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

DUT Bursaries ,Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

The Durban University of Technology DUT offers a variety of bursaries ,Loans and Scholarships to aid students in realizing their academic dreams and goals. These bursaries are generally aimed at students who demonstrate a potential to achieve academic success in their respective fields of study. It should be noted that these bursaries are not automatically awarded, therefore students will have to apply for them.

DUT Undergraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

DUT Undergraduate Scholarship: For New Students (First Academic Period)

DUT Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scheme – for Returning Students (after Year 1/semester 1)

Durban University of Technology Dean’s Merit Award

Durban University of Technology Vice-Chancellor’s Award

Durban University of Technology Dux Award

DUT Merit Award for Students Who Receive Other Bursaries or Scholarships


DUT Postgraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

Durban University of Technology Dean’s Merit Award

Durban University of Technology Vice-Chancellor’s Award

Durban University of Technology Dux Award

DUT Merit Award for Students Who Receive Other Bursaries or Scholarships


DUT NSFAS Online Application

SEE ALSO:  UCT NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

DUT NSFAS Application Form

DUT NSFAS Application Status

DUT NSFAS Contact Details

DUT NSFAS Application Closing Date

List of Other DUT Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

Durban University of Technology (DUT) will be launching a Student Bursary Fund on Thursday, 26th March 2009 at Hotel School, on Ritson Campus, starting at 18h00.

DUT wants to establish a Student Bursary Scheme intended to assist those students that are academically successful but have failed to secure funding.

The bursary scheme is intended to afford those students that are not able to finance their studies an opportunity to complete their studies. The bursary will be awarded to deserving students on a yearly basis irrespective of the year of study. This assistance will supplement what Financial Aid is doing in administering both the NSFAS funding and the current donors to the student bursary fund.

Interested business partners have been invited to partner with the University in establishing this bursary scheme and to subsequently assist disadvantaged students. The launch seeks to aggressively source partners and individuals that might be interested in assisting us in building the young generation of future leaders and contributors to the South African economy.
An ideal situation would be that if a company funds a student, then the company places the student for experiential training. If the relationship cultivated is successful, the company might be able to employ the students. If this is successful, we would have succeeded in achieving few of the areas covered by our mission. This will provide great financial benefit to students, a closer relationship with employers and assistance from employers with students’ studies.

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This bursary scheme applies to all DUT students and prospective students that meet our requirements. The bursary will be awarded for one academic year.
DUT registered students will be invited to apply for the Student Bursary Scheme irrespective of their year of study. The selection of the students will be based on academic merit but consideration for special circumstances may be taken into account. First year students that wish to register at DUT and who meet our requirements can also be considered if they have good results for matric. Candidates will be assessed by a scholarship committee that will be set up. This committee will meet and award bursaries three times a year.

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For more information, please contact Bhekani Dlamini on 031 373 2845 to facilitate the interview.


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