About Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology ( NIMT )

About Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology  ( NIMT )

Although advances are being made in developing Namibians into skilled and managerial positions within the mining and other
industries, it is true that non-Namibians often still dominate such positions. However, it is a stated aim of the Government that
Namibians should become increasingly able to effectively take up such positions.
With the relatively low numbers of technical graduates required in industry, it is unlikely that the country could support graduate
education in the mining extraction disciplines.
There remains, however, a huge demand for artisans, technicians and supervisors in the mining, metallurgy, geology and
engineering disciplines.
It is here where a gap is perceived in the education facilities within the country, which needs to be bridged for the benefit of the
mining, engineering and other industries.
As an independence gift to Namibia, Rssing Uranium Ltd (Rio Tinto) originally proposed to help establish the Institute of
Mining and Technology (NIMT) to train Namibians in the technical skills required by the mining, engineering and other
The level of training is targeted towards providing people with the theoretical, practical and technical skills necessary to
effectively take up positions as artisans.

 See Also

NIMT Contact Details

NIMT Courses Offered

NIMT Admission Requirements

NIMT Tuition Fees

NIMT Banking Details

NIMT Application

NIMT Prospectus

NIMT Job Attachment

NIMT Northern Campus

NIMT Southern Campus

NIMT Upgrade Requirements

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Pages