WSU Bursaries, Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

Walter Sisulu University WSU Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

WSU Postgraduate Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

The University gives internal and external research grant types which are administered by the Directorate of Research Development.

The purpose of this funding is to create an enabling environment for staff to conduct applied and basic research and also to empower staff and students with research knowledge and skills so that they can:

  • Independently initiate quality research projects
  • Contribute to the existing body of academic knowledge
  • Conduct a systematic analysis of problems relevant to society
  • Upgrade the qualifications of staff and postgraduate students by providing research project running costs.

The following seed-money for faculty research champions can be found in our office:

  • Internal funding

Eligible staff and postgraduate students may use the following application forms to apply for the institutional research grant

Institutional research grant : Freestanding [65,2KB]
Institutional research grant : HIV/Aids [74,4KB]
Institutional research grant : Postgraduate dtudents & WSU staff studying at WSU [65,2KB]
Institutional research grant : WSU staff studying elsewhere [65,2KB]
National Research Foundation

The National Research Foundation (NRF) provides services and grants to support research and postgraduate research training, vital to the development of South Africa. Funding from the NRF is largely directed towards academic research, developing high-level human resources, and supporting the nation’s national research facilities.

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NRF provides two types of student support:

1   Freestanding, bursaries, fellowship
2   Grant-holder-linked bursaries.

Freestanding bursaries, scholarships, fellowships are awarded directly to the students on a completive basis, while grant-holder-linked bursaries are granted to researchers within their NRF support package and may be awarded to students selected by the NRF grant holder.

For more details, visit

  • Conference funding

The Research Directorate provides an opportunity for WSU staff members and postgraduate students to contribute to international conferences as well as local conferences.

The purpose of this fund is to enable the applicant to attend conferences at which they will be presenting a paper or poster.


  • The applicant should present a paper with evidence of its acceptance.
  • The application should contain an abstract of paper.

Other research resources include its research resource centre

For more information, contact the Directorate on 047 502 2819 or 043 708 5444.

WSU Research Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

The University gives internal and external research grant types which are administered by the Directorate of Research Development.
The purpose of this funding is to create an enabling environment for staff to conduct applied and basic research and also to empower staff and students with research knowledge and skills so that they can:

  • Independently initiate quality research projects
  • Contribute to the existing body of academic knowledge
  • Conduct a systematic analysis of problems relevant to society
  • Upgrade the qualifications of staff and postgraduate students by providing research project running costs.
SEE ALSO:  NSFAS Final Year Bursary | National Student Financial Aid Scheme

The following seed-money for faculty research champions can be found in our office:

  • Internal funding

Eligible staff and postgraduate students may use the following application forms to apply for the institutional research grants:
– WSU Research Application Form-Freestanding
– WSU Research Application Form-Staff studying- elsewhere
– WSU Research Application Form-Postgraduate Students.
The National Research Foundation (NRF) provides services and grants to support research and postgraduate research training, vital to the development of South Africa. Funding from the NRF is largely directed towards academic research, developing high-level human resources, and supporting the nation’s national research facilities.
NRF provides two types of student support:

1   Freestanding, bursaries, fellowship
2   Grant-holder-linked bursaries.
Freestanding bursaries, scholarships, fellowships are awarded directly to the students on a completive basis, while grant-holder-linked bursaries are granted to researchers within their NRF support package and may be awarded to students selected by the NRF grant holder.
For more details, visit

  • Conference funding
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The Research Directorate provides an opportunity for WSU staff members and postgraduate students to contribute to international conferences as well as local conferences.
The purpose of this fund is to enable the applicant to attend conferences at which they will be presenting a paper or poster.

  • The applicant should present a paper with evidence of its acceptance.
  • The application should contain an abstract of paper.

Other research resources include its research resource centre 
Contact us

For more information, contact us in East London on (telephone) +27(0)43 708 5444 and Mthatha on (telephone) +27(0)47 502 2819. Contact details for our team.

Walter Sisulu University WSU NSFAS Online Application 

Walter Sisulu University WSU NSFAS Application Form

Walter Sisulu University WSU NSFAS Application Status

List of Other Walter Sisulu University WSU Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

1 thought on “WSU Bursaries, Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025”

  1. I’ve found school but I’ve no fund to assist me financial


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