University of Namibia UNAM Nursing Prospectus 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Nursing Prospectus 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Nursing Prospectus 2024-2025

The University of Namibia UNAM Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 PDF is available.

University of Namibia UNAM Prospectus 2022 PDF contains the University of Namibia UNAM Application for Admission information guidelines for the 2024-2025 academic year. Some of these information are as follows:

University of Namibia UNAM Admissions 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM online portal

University of Namibia UNAM Fees 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Application Forms 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Prospectus 2024-2025

SEE ALSO:  University of Namibia Tuition Fees 2017 / 2018

Additionally, Prospectus for the University of Namibia UNAM typically provides information on specific courses, faculty (professors), notable graduates, the campus summary, how to contact the school, and many more.

Download University of Namibia UNAM Prospectus 2022-2024 PDF for Online Application

How to download University of Namibia UNAM Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus for 2022 in PDF format. To be able to download University of Namibia UNAM Prospectus, follow these steps

The University of Namibia Prospectus 2024-2025 can be downloaded and printed for free, or you can view it online in PDF format. Click HERE to download or visit University of Namibia UNAM official website to download: www.University of Namibia prospectus download pdf.

SEE ALSO:  UNAM School of Medicine Prospectus 2024-2025


See Also:

2024-2025 UNAM University of Namibia Prospectus

Polytechnic of Namibia Prospectus

Namibia University of Science and Technology Prospectus (NUST )

Southern Business School Namibia Prospectus

International University of Management Namibia Prospectus

The University Center for Studies in Namibia ( TUCSIN Namibia )  Prospectus

Business School of Excellence Namibia Prospectus

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Prospectus

Namibia Institute of Architecture (NIA) Prospectus

Headstart Mercy Montessori Teachers Training College Prospectus

Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary Prospectus

Center For Training and Projects Development (CTPD) Prospectus

Institute of Bankers  IOB Namibia Prospectus

Institute For Open Learning ( IOL Prospectus )

National Youth Service Prospectus ( NYS Namibia Prospectus )

SEE ALSO:  UNAM Faculty of Science Prospectus 2024-2025

Note : It Should be Noted that the Namibia University of Science and Technology  (NUST) is synonymous to the Polytechnic of Namibia.

31 thoughts on “University of Namibia UNAM Nursing Prospectus 2024-2025”

  1. Can i do nursing at unam with 26 points on ordinary level

  2. I obtained a degree in Adult Education in 2007, I would like to enroll for a nursing program, how possible is it.

  3. I have 21points in 5 subjects: english,mathematics,agriculture,physical science and silozi first language. Can i not qualify to study nursing?

  4. I’m having 25 points in grade 12 and D symbol in English, any nursing course that I’m qualified for enrollment

  5. An enrolled nurse can be admitted to do diploma on distance learning nursing?

  6. What are the admission requirements to study dentistry at unam

  7. I’m still improving my points currently. Example does Welwithia university offer a diploma in nursing and if it does, how many points does it ask??

  8. I have 24 points in 6 subjects including a E in English, is it possible to get admitted in nursing at Welwitchia university?

  9. Afternoon, I have a certificate in nursing assistant, I want to apply mature age in unam, what course are you offering through mature age with my certificate in nursing assistant ?

  10. It’s possible to study nursing with 29 points with F in English as a first language

  11. Its possible for me to study nursing with 29 points F in English

  12. Is it possible for me to study nursing at Unam with a D in English and C in two science subjects e.g Biology and Physical science?

  13. How many points do I need to apply for mature entry for nursing?

  14. Is it possible that i can do a bachelor of nursing (nursing science clinical) with a D symbol in (English as a second language ) and maybe do an English module at the same time to compliment my symbol at Unam?

      • Hi I have a question,my sister failed grade 10 in 2010,and then she went to Namcol and past,but she was dropped out immediately after passing at namcol,and was just working basic jobs,and now she has come to her senses and enrolled in assistant nurse training that will last about 3months or so,and wants to apply at unam for nursing after she finishes the assistant nurse training,will she be able to apply with the certificate she gets from the training and her passed gr10 certificate,or can she enroll for nursing at NHTC after finishing this training,and register at unam with the 2 certificates.

  15. Good afternoon,i have 4years experience in nursing,can i not qualify in mature age entry.thanks

  16. I applied to study nursing , but did not get a reply.student no that i got when I applied was 2018213009′ how can i get my application status?

  17. Is it possible for student who study health care service management at Tulipohamba training and assessment institute to study nursing or pharmacist at your institution?

  18. do social scince learners also fits to qualify for nursing ?

    • Yes Mathias, social science students are eligible to enroll for a nursing programme.


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