UFH NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

UFH NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025
UFH NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025

So you are interested in applying for the University of Fort Hare UFH Student aid for ?, then you’ve come to the right place. On this page we are happy to present to you the details and steps required in successfully applying for your NSFAS loan. It should be noted that this loan was created by the South African government to meet the needs of needy students who demonstrate a potential for academic success. These students typically belong to households that make less but not more than R350000 a year. 

The University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application is simple and straightforward. A student will have to create a mynsfas Account, then proceed to fill an online application form. Details of the steps below are outline below.

NB: Students who already applied for and received NSFAS funding do not need to reapply. Such students will simply have to sign an agreement form, after which loans will be released. It should be noted that a student must meet the necessary requirement of attaining a progressive score of at least 50% to remain eligible. Students who fall below this score are likely to be excluded from funding.

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Before proceeding to apply online, students must have the following documents at their disposal. 

  • Certified copy of ID document /passport of student / mother / father /guardian / wife /husband
  • Original / certified copy of pay- slips / pension slip for both parents/guardian /spouse (these should not be older than three (3) months)
  • In the case of deceased parents, attach certified death Certificates
  • If parents are divorced, attach a copy of the decree of divorce
  • If parents / guardian / spouse are self-employed, attach a copy of the latest financial statement
  • If parents are unemployed, attach sworn affidavits accompanied by a report from a social worker , religious leader /traditional leader or Council
  • An amount for income must be provided on all affidavits
  • If parents are separated, attach pay-slips of both and an official letter from the social worker or religious leader confirming the separation
  • Certified copy of previous degree or diploma certificate
  • If you are currently in in-service training, attach pay – slip or provide the University with proof from your employer stating whether your study leave is paid or unpaid
  • ID copies / birth certificates or letters from school of other family members
  • Proof of registration for sibling at other tertiary institutions



  • You can apply online via www.nsfas.org.za OR
  • You can collect and drop off your complete paper NSFAS application and ALL required documents at NYDA Offices. To find your closest office, visitwww.nsfas.org.za/content/howtoapply.html#account3
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NSFAS applications will be done online, apply on NSFAS website (www.nsfas.org.za). Supporting documents must be submitted directly to NSFAS or at the Financial Aid Office.

The NSFAS online application website will be functional from the 1st August and the closing date is the 30th November .

Students must register first online and then apply for NSFAS funding. (Please make sure you complete the on-line application process). If you encounter any challenges, please approach the Financial Aid Officials for assistance.

Please make sure that you submit all the required documents (verify with the NSFAS checklist as a guideline – www.nsfas.org.za/checklist).

Please submit the correct information, if you provide any incorrect information on the application you will be disqualified and you will forfeit the study loan.

If your application is approved, the Financial Aid Office will inform you via sms and/or the university e-mail).

You will be invited to sign the on-line contract form, please make sure you sign the online contract forms. Follow the link to sign online.

Failure to sign the online contract (LAF) after your registration, your allowances will not be processed and the tuition fees will not be paid. You will forfeit your NSFAS allocation.

Students must adhere to the application closing dates.


University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Form

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University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Status

List of Other University of Fort Hare UFH Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships

University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Closing Date

All students with a household income of R600 000 or less are encouraged to apply for possible funding. ALL applications must be submitted via the NSFAS website: www.nsfas.org.za

Please note the following important information:

  • The deadline for NSFAS funding is 30 November. No late applications will be accepted. For more information on the application process or to apply, please visit www.nsfas.org.za or call 086 006 7327.
  • The closing date for applications for other funding opportunities will be communicated at a later stage. Please note, however, that ALL applications for funding must be submitted via the NSFAS website: www.nsfas.org.za

University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Contact Details

Director: Finance: Mr RFS Stone
Tel: 043 704 7006

Deputy Director Finance: Mr P Mafu
Tel: 043 704 7356

Secretary to the Director Finance: Mrs N Mdletshe
Tel: 043 704 7006


Manager: Mrs A Starkey
Senior Payroll Administrator: Ms L Summerton
Payroll Administrator: Mrs K Mkiva
Payroll Administrator: Mrs S Arko-Cobbah
Payroll/Debtors Administrator: Mrs M Lai-Wing


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