University of Namibia Law Overview
UNAM Faculty of Law Reviews
The Faculty of Law consists of three departments namely: Commercial law; Public law and Jurisprudence and Private and Procedural Law. In addition, two centres fall under the Faculty, viz the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC) and the Justice Training Centre (JTC). As part of its community engagement programme, the Faculty also runs a legal aid clinic which has two important aims, namely to provide clinical or practical legal education to all of our final year LLB students and also to provide legal services to the indigent members of our community. The one year service in the legal aid clinic is compulsory for all our final year students.
The Faculty is staffed by 15 full –time legal academics, the bulk of whom have the minimum qualification of a Masters degree in law. Also many of these staff members have been admitted to practice in the Republic of Namibia and other jurisdictions. The Faculty currently has two full professors and two associate professors. Out of the total academic staff compliment, there are five staff members who have doctoral degrees in law. In addition there is a total number of five academic staff members who are currently pursuing various stages of their doctoral programmes. There are also 5 administrative members of staff
The Faculty has since 2012, embarked on a programme of phasing out its two undergraduate degrees namely the Baccalaureus Juris (B.Juris) and the Bachelor of laws (LL.B). In the same year, the Faculty commenced phasing in the new four year undergraduate LL.B degree. Two undergraduate diploma qualifications namely the Diploma in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution and the Diploma in Para- legal Studies were launched in 2012. The first batch of the two programmes graduated during the May 2014 University graduation ceremony.
The Faculty has also continued to offer two postgraduate qualifications namely Master of laws (LLM) by thesis and Doctor of Philosophy in law.( PHD). There are currently about 14 postgraduate students who are registered for either for their Masters or Doctoral qualifications in the Faculty. At the end of the 2013 academic year, three of the faculty’s research students completed their research projects and submitted their theses/ dissertations for examinations. These included two LLM theses and one PHD dissertation. This is the first time in the history of the Faculty of Law that a doctoral dissertation has been produced for examination purposes. It is hoped that both the numbers of both postgraduate students by research and course work will increase as its supervision capacity increases with the recruitment of more staff with doctoral qualifications in law.
See Also
University of Namibia Law Courses Offered
University of Namibia Faculty of Law Contacts
University of Namibia Faculty of Law Departments
University of Namibia Pages