University of Namibia UNAM Application Forms 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Application Forms 2024-2025

University of Namibia UNAM Application Forms 2024-2025

2024-2025 UNAM Application Form Download

UNAM Application Forms 2016 – 2017

2. Undergraduate Degree Programmes

  • Grade 12 legacy NSSC0/H – 25 points in five subjects including a C or above in English as a compulsory subject. Alternatively, 27 points in five subjects including a D or above in English as a compulsory subject
  • Advanced Subsidiary (AS) – 25 points in five subjects including a C or above in English as a compulsory subject with at least two subjects at AS Level (minimum grade “e”).
  • In addition, prospective students must satisfy Faculty specific requirements as indicated in the admission requirements of the relevant programme

3. Postgraduate Programmes

  1. Postgraduate Diploma: Bachelor’s degree (NQA level 7) from a recognized institution.
  2. Master’s Degree: Bachelor Honours degree (NQA level 8) qualification or equivalent, with an overall grade average of 60% (and above) from a recognized institution, in the chosen field of study. In addition, prospective students must satisfy Faculty specific requirements as indicated in the admission requirements of the relevant programme.
  3. Doctor of Philosophy Degree and other doctoral programmes NQF level 9 Master’s degree or equivalent from UNAM or any other recognized institution, in the chosen field of study.
SEE ALSO:  Montessori Teachers Training College Application Form 2024-2025

See Also

International Scholarships for Namibians to Study Abroad

Admissions for Universities in Namibia

Prospectus for Universities in Namibia

Application Forms for Universities in Namibia

Bursaries for Namibians and International Students

49 thoughts on “University of Namibia UNAM Application Forms 2024-2025”

  1. hi there. can you please give me details as to how get access to the application forms of unam 2024..thank you

  2. Hi I want to do Educational Leadership and Management. Can you please send me the application form. Idah

  3. Hi is there no applying online on unam nature age entry for 2020

  4. can you please send me university of Namibia mature age application form for 2019
    thank you

  5. can you please send me the application form for 2019 intake[both unam and nust]

  6. I want to do certificate in administration in HIV/AIDs management (NQF level 5) through online.kindly send me the application form

  7. I am International Student from United Republic of Tanzania. How can I apply for Msc. Civil and Environmental Engineering at Namibia University of Technology?

    • Cyprianus, application forms are currently not ready. Kindly check back

  8. Are the 2018 intakes open..? And am basically in Zimbabwe, do I do an online application and is there any payment of some of that l should do before I apply

  9. My daughter wants to apply for 2017 intake is it too late? I have trying to get in touch on your phone but failed. Kindly advise.
    M Zulu

    • M Zulu, late applications ended last year…UNAM shall reopen its applications starting in the month of June…Kindly wait and apply during this period.

  10. may I know post graduate courses being offered next year?

  11. hello…could you please send me undergraduate application forms for 2017 enrolment


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