TUT Bursaries, Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

TUT  Bursaries , Loans and Scholarships 2024-2025

TUT Merit Bursaries for New Entrant First-year students

  • ​These bursaries are made available to newcomer students who enrol for a National Diploma or a B Tech degree at the University for the first time after Grade 12.
  • Only South African citizens qualify for these bursaries.
  • Students who enrol for non-subsidised courses, do not qualify for these bursaries.
  • A student only qualifies for the bursary if they register for all the modules of a specific course.
  • Students who have studied at other universities and those students who have already studied at the University and who are undergraduate students again, do not qualify for these bursaries.
  • Allocations are made annually and should a student cancel their registration in the year they receive the award they will forfeit the allocation.
  • Eligibility is determined by the average percentage of each subject on the Grade 12 certificate which will provide an accumulated discount based on the subjects passed on a certain level.
Criteria and the value of bursaries to be determined by the FAC annually:

TUT Merit Bursaries for Undergraduate Returning Students

  • These bursaries are awarded to undergraduate students who continue with their registration for National Diplomas and B Tech degrees at the University.
  • Students who have been enrolled at other institutions previously could qualify as well, provided that they have obtained recognition for the subjects at the University.
  • Only South African citizens qualify for these bursaries.
  • Students who are enrolled for non-subsidised courses, do not qualify for these bursaries.
  • Bursaries are awarded for prior academic performance provided the student registers again at the University for an undergraduate qualification.
  • The average percentage of each subject is calculated according to the November results and an accumulated discount for all subjects passed on a certain level will be allocated as a bursary.
  • Allocations will be made annually after the first registration and all the subjects that were registered for in the previous year are taken into consideration.
SEE ALSO:  Amathole District Municipality Civil Engineering Bursary Programme 2015

Criteria and the value of the bursaries to be determined by the FAC annually:​

≥ 85%
To be determined annually​
75% to 84% To be determined annually​
< 74% 0​​

TUT Merit Bursaries for Postgraduate Returning Students

All funding will be administered according to the policies, rules and regulations stipulated by the Directorate: Research and Innovation.


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