TUCSIN Namibia Scholarships

TUCSIN Namibia Scholarships

Since its inception TUCSIN has been instrumental in ensuring that some 1,500 Namibians qualified at Universities and Technicons in Southern Africa. The vast majority was sponsored by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst). Scholarships relate to fields relevant to the country’s development.
Namibian students – please apply for scholarships by letter to TUCSIN Windhoek. Closing date: 31 August of each year.
TUCSIN INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR DAAD: Postgraduate Scholarships for Masters and PhD Programmes at UNAM, the Polytechnic and South African Universities
To be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must:
1.         Be a Namibian graduate of outstanding academic merit
2.         Have an offer (or conditional offer) of a place
3.         Not be employed or in receipt of any other scholarship
4.         Intend to return to Namibia to apply his / her expertise on
completion of his / her studies
5.         Follow a course which is relevant to the development of Namibia –
humanities and fine arts are excluded
6.         Female applicants are especially encouraged to apply!
Further information and application forms are available from TUCSIN House: 16 Mont Blanc Street, Eros, Windhoek
Postal Address:   PO Box 11174, Klein Windhoek / Telephone:   061  224840
Tuition scholarships for courses TUCSIN itself offers are also available.
TUCSIN has an excellent reputation for recruting, selecting and administering scholarships on behalf of donors and sponsors. This service is on offer for any individual or organisation believing in educating talented members of the society (TUCSIN-Windhoek / TUCSIN-Hamburg).