Triumphant College Short Courses

Triumphant College Short Courses

Short Courses
The Bureau of Professional Development and Life Long Learning (BPDLL) is responsible for running a variety of short courses, seminars,  and workshops geared at addressing the need for continuous upgrading in the labour market. The Bureau utilizes the College’s academic staff, and partners with a variety of experts in specialist fields in and outside the country to provide short course training and seminars that address current topical skill development issues. Short courses materials and content are developed by reviewing current developments in the field concerned to allow participants to be abreast all matters of cardinal importance in the workplace today.
There are three categories of short courses: Those run continuously through the year; those that are scheduled at certain times during the year; and those that are run on request
Short courses run throughout the year
Download Short courses run throughout the year here
Short courses and Prices
Download Short courses and prices here
Application Form
Download Application Form here
Short courses run on Request
A group of people can request any course that we offer or any tailor-made course for them any time during the year.