TOTAL Bursary In South Africa 2018 / 2019

TOTAL Bursary In South Africa 2018 / 2019


Total was established in 1954 in South Africa, with their initial business of supplying machinery lubricant to farmers. Two years later, in 1956, Total began the development of their service station network. Today they are in the market of manufacturing, marketing and selling petroleum products into various sectors, including: agricultural; commercial; retail and industrial.

Total have setup a bursary programme to assist students in financial need, by covering the cost of their studies.

SEE ALSO:  Rhodes University Makabongwe Ndzwayiba Scholarship 


Bursaries will be awarded for the following fields of study:

  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Law and Governance
  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental Studies
  • Logistics/ Supply Chain Management
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Civil Engineering

The following expenses will be covered by the bursary programme: tuition, prescribed books, stationery and accommodation.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • South Africa citizen,
  • Between 18 and 23 years old,
  • Studying or intend on studying in one of the aforementioned fields of study,
  • Proven financial need.

*Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged individuals who have completed Matric and have received university exemption.
*Students who are in their third year of study may apply, if they have maintained a minimum average of 65% for their first 2 years of study.

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The latest application form can be downloaded at:
(from 1 September annually).

The following documents should accompany your application form:

  • ID document (certified copy),
  • Most recent academic record (certified copy),
  • Admission letter or proof of registration from a recognised tertiary institution,
  • CV (with your contact details),
  • Motivational letter explaining why you should be awarded the bursary (to be written by the applicant themselves),
  • Parents/ guardians proof of income (latest payslip).


Complete application forms and supporting documents can be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Post:
Transformation and Development Division
3 Biermann Avenue
2) Email:

SEE ALSO:  Walter Sisulu University NSFAS Approved List


30 November .


For any bursary queries, please contact:
Tel: 011 778 2000

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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