Stanlib Bursaries 2024-2025

Stanlib Bursaries 2024-2025

Stanlib is known to be one of the biggest asset management companies in South Africa and they strive to build on the future of young South Africans from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.  They have also made their mark in seven different African countries even though they also manage more than 400 000 client’s assets and are still growing.

Their main offices are based in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Stanlib was formed by a merger between Standard bank and Liberty Life’s wealth management interests and can be traced as far back as 1862.  They offer their clients the best there is in financial service management with professionally trained and educated staff.

Sifiso Cele the head of human resources at Stanlib reckons that they are so committed to their bursary program because it is not only about assisting people less fortunate but also about developing true talent throughout South Africa.


Their bursary program was started in 2005 and has offered 42 students the opportunity to change their lives since then with much success.  Seven of these bursary students have also joined the Stanlib workforce after completion of their studies.

They are dedicated to the improvement of South Africa’s youth and believe that by assisting previously disadvantaged students they can do their part in uplifting communities as well as provide brilliant minds with sound knowledge while promoting the growth of our country.

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They offer talented students the opportunity to become all they can be and if you consider yourself someone who can make a difference as well as being ambitious and motivated, they could offer you the opportunity of a lifetime.

A Stanlib bursary offers students the following while studying at any University in South Africa:

  • Full Tuition fees
  • Full Accommodation fees
  • Book fees
  • Meal fees
  • Pocket money monthly
  • Vacation work opportunities will be made available to bursary students while studying


Stanlib offers eager students bursaries in the following fields of study:

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Investment Management
  • Actuarial Science
  • Marketing & Communications

These bursaries are offered to students wanting to study as well as students already studying at any South African University.  Students studying with a bursary from Stanlib will also have the opportunity to be interviewed for their exceptional Graduate Development Program.  They might even be eligible for a permanent employment position with Stanlib after successfully completing their studies as well as the Graduate Development Program.  Stanlib offers stability and great opportunities to their employees.


To qualify for a bursary through Stanlib you will need to comply with the following criteria:

  • Be a South African citizen by birth or descend
  • Be in possession of a valid South African ID book
  • Be in matric, first year of study, second year of study, third year of study or even if you are completing your Honors degree you are eligible to apply.
  • Strong English skills
  • Strong Mathematic skills
  • You must be able to establish impending academic success
  • Candidates should show a keen interest in the field that you are applying for
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If you are studying currently and want to apply it has to be in one of the available bursary fields that Stanlib has to offer.  Stanlib also encourages people that are living with disabilities to apply for a bursary.


Bursaries online application is not yet available at this time but you can download the application form here and after completing it send it along with a certified copy of your ID book, latest academic results and any relevant documentation to the following address.


or hand deliver to:

SANLIB Bursaries

17 Melrose Boulevard

Melrose Arch


Or Post to:

SANLIB Bursaries

PO Box 202

Melrose Arch


For more information regarding their bursary program or bursary sponsorship program visit their website. Application forms can also be found on the bursary sponsorship page under the Requirements Tab.


The usual closing date for bursaries application forms are the end of October each year but it comes highly recommended that you complete the form and send it accompanied by the relevant documentation as soon as you can. Bursary applications open the middle of September yearly.

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Please take note that only candidates that have been successful will be contacted by Stanlib so you do not need to contact them.

In order to improve your chances of being selected for a bursary, candidates should also consider adding a cover letter and short essay to their application form.  Herein you can provide relevant information about you, who you are, what your goals in life are and why you should be considered above someone else.  Tell the committee about your daily life experiences, obstacles you have overcome and what you strive for in achieving within the next five to ten years of your life.  Giving the selection committee enough information to make well-informed decisions are always in your best interest.  Good luck to all applicants may your paths be well lightened.

 Learnerships : Bursaries :



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