Rhodes University Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 

Rhodes University Abe Bailey Travel Bursary

This is an opportunity for a study tour to the UK 26th Nov – 22nd Dec .

Tour Programme


Conditions of Award

PLEASE DO NOT APPLY if this will clash with exams, other interviews etc, as the successful candidate will undertake to attend this trip without the chance of bailing at that time!

Applicant’s need to provide evidence of exceptional qualities of leadership and community serviceexperience, and excellent grades. Other factors are taken into account when selecting.

There is an initial Rhodes screening process, with a Selection Committee of interviews for the top 6 applications received. The provisional Interview date is 21 May (morning / afternoon), those shortlisted for interview will be emailed of the date and time closer to the day. Please do not apply if you have other commitments on the day of the interview. The top three interviewees will be nominated to the Trust, who then make the final selection and advise us towards the end of June.

SEE ALSO:  Northern Cape Urban FET College Bursary

Documents and further details attached. Please read them carefully so as to aid you in your application. Often we are inundated with questions, answers of which are in the  documents provided!

Docs required for this process:

  1. A personal letter of motivation as to why you are applying for the travel bursary.
  2. A current CV
  3. Three letters of reference must accompany your application which are in sealed envelopes to ensure confidentiality. (Please use at least two academic referees who currently know you, ie referees who have known you within the last three years only, the third may be from community engagement and leadership involvement). Please co-ordinate carefully with your referees in the next few weeks so that your application is complete when delivered to our offices.
  4. Copies of ID, matric cert, full University academic records (undergraduate and postgraduate (where relevant).
  5. Copies of school & university merit/achievement certificates (limited to 5).
  6. Details of leadership roles and community service within the community, at school and at university.
SEE ALSO:  UNISA NSFAS Application Status 2024-2025

RHODES CLOSING DATE: 2 May – no late applications will be accepted

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Rhodes University NSFAS Application

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