Polytechnic of Namibia Certificate in Supervisory Skills Development
The Certificate in Supervisory Skills Development is purposefully designed to equip supervisors at en try level, and/or aspiring supervisors, with broad knowledge, skills and techniques that will help them become more efficient and effective in the process of supervising direct reports. Students will be exposed to relevant methods and techniques to guide team members under challenging conditions in the workplace, and motivate their direct reports to work towards attainment of the strategic goals and targets of their employers. In addition, students will be capacitated to assume an active role in establishing the right organisational culture where staff is challenged to take on new initiatives and find practical solutions to emerging challenges and changing environments. The programme provides a basis for further learning and development. Upon completion of t his programme, students will be able to perform effectively in entry level supervisory positions in various organisations.
Candidates may be admitted to the Certificate in Supervisory Skills Development if they meet the Namibia University of Science and Technologys General Admission Requirements (GI2.1 in Part 1 of the NUST Yearbook).
Mature age candidates may be considered provided they meet the requirements and pass the mature age entrance examinations of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (GI2.2 in Part 1 of the NUST Yearbook).
See Also
• Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
• Bachelor of Business Management
• Bachelor of Human Resources Management
• Bachelor of Human Resources Honours
• Bachelor of Office Management & Technology
• Bachelor of Business Administration
Other Courses Offered
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