Polytechnic of Namibia Hotel School Courses Offered
Currently the Department of Hospitality & Tourism offers the following programs and courses:
- Two main qualifications with multiple exits as shown below
Certificate in Hospitality Operations (Full Time Only) 05CHOP
Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Full Time Only) (Phased in 2012) O7BHMN
Bachelor of Tourism Management (New) 07BOTM
Certificate in Travel and Tourism Management (Full-Time only)
Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management (Full-Time only)
Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (4th Year only) 27BTTM
(Distance Education Mode Only)
Specific Industry tailored short courses:
Meat and vegetables course: 3week course that covers all the mayor cooking methods for meat and vegetables, small theory component on 3 days; includes theory and recipe manual
Bakery and Desserts: 2weeks course that covers an extensive range of bakery and dessert items as well as plenty of garnishes and decorations; includes recipe booklet
Menu Course: 1 week course; covers a 3 to 4 course menu every day and is ideal as starting point; includes recipe booklet
Vegetarian course: 1 week course covering a variety of vegetarian starters and main courses; includes recipe booklet
Basic skills chef’s certificate course: 6 Modules each 2 weeks long spread over the entire year.
See Also
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