Polytechnic of Namibia Elearning

Polytechnic of Namibia Elearning

Namibia University of Science and Technology ELearning

MyNUST eLearning Site for Students and Lecturers
This site is where final E-courses are uploaded for students to access and use. Use this site to tutor your students and help them to engage in your course activities by using various eLearning collaboration and communication tools available within MyNUST system. For more information, contact Mr. Maurice Nkusi at mnkusi@nust.na (link sends e-mail)
MyNUST eLearning Training Site for Lecturers
This site is exclusively used to train the faculty how to utilise MyNUST to integrate technology in teaching, learning and assessment. Faculty use this site to learn how to develop eLearning resources and then upload them on the production server for students to access. Students will not access this site. For more information, contact Mr. Maurice Nkusi at mnkusi@nust.na (link sends e-mail)
This site is providing students with space where they can develop and record their artefacts in the form of portfolios and share with NUST community for collaboration purposes, even for assessment. Students have access to great modules that can support them in developing and/or enhancing their writing skills by creating reflective journals that they can share with others that are registered in this platform. This system also allows students to develop team building and group work skills through self-contained grouping features.