Polytechnic of Namibia Coll
The Polytechnic of Namibia ( Namibia University of Science and Technology ) COLL
The COLL, through a holistic approach and concentrating on students’ needs lives by our motto of: open, flexible, supportive and quality distance education programmes. We serve a broad profile of students through the distance education mode because it allows them to take courses while maintaining their employment and continuing their family responsibilities.
Through pedagogic innovation, the Centre for Open and Life-long Learning seeks to be internationally recognised and distinguished for the design and delivery of supported open and distance learning.
The Centre is committed to:
access to high-quality university education;
foster collaboration across organisational boundaries and the intelligent application of technology to provide high levels of service which are valued by students;
providing the most appropriate and effective learning and teaching media and support services;
flexibly provide student-centred learning experiences;
programmes that meet individual lifelong learning needs; and
continually enhancing the quality of course materials and support services.
Polytechnic of Namibia COLL Programmes
Polytechnic of Namibia COLL Centers
See Also
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Engineering
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Management
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Human Sciences
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences
Polytechnic of Namibia Faculty of Computing and Infomatics
Polytechnic of Namibia Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business
Polytechnic of Namibia Pages