Polytechnic Of Namibia Biomedical Sciences Course

Polytechnic Of Namibia Biomedical Sciences Course

Welcome to the Biomedical Sciences Programme at the Namibia University of Science and Technology.

In January 2008, we had our first intake of students. Currently we offer two programmes, namely, a four-year professional Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences and a three year Bachelor of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. This website is designed to provide information to all prospective and/or interested students, academics and industrial partners on the staff members in the department, as well as the courses offered, entry requirements to enroll for the courses, projects/research activities, contact details, and any other changes taking place in our department.

The department was initiated to address the shortage of adequately qualified health care practitioners in Namibia. The Biomedical Sciences programme was started to initially re-enforce the Namibian healthcare system with adequate numbers of professionally qualified medical laboratory scientists, and thereafter, to maintain a constant supply of these vital professionals to the field of Biomedical Technology in the country or elsewhere, as required. Emergency medical care, similar to so many healthcare practices, is also a field which was identified as in dire need of practitioners in Namibia. Challenges which the department faces, includes the setting up of research facilities. This process is facilitated by faculties with excellent track records of research and publications in other institutions.

Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences

This professional degree incorporates a research component and 1 year of practical work-based learning. This programme will enable students to identify disease-causing bacteria; microscopically differentiate cells, microorganisms, and crystals; and operate complex electronic instruments to analyse blood for the presence of abnormal and malignant cells, components and chemical elements. Students will also be able to determine drug levels and evaluate the chemical, cellular and immune composition of blood, urine and other body fluids.

25 Points including a minimum B-symbol on NSSC(O) or 4 on NSSC(H) in Mathematics, Biology or Physiology and Physical Science as well as a minimum D-symbol in English.

Career Possibilities:  Graduates register with the Allied Health Professions Council as Medical Laboratory Scientists. Job opportunities include working at clinical laboratories, food industry, water analysis, etc.
Modes of Study:  Full-time   Part-time
Duration:  4 Years
Level of Programme:  Undergraduate
Course Code:  50BBMS
Department Programmes:  Biomedical Sciences Programme

See Also


Polytechnic of Namibia Health Sciences Department

Polytechnic of Namibia Mathematics and Statistics Departments

Polytechnic of Namibia Natural and Applied Science Department

Polytechnic of Namibia Pages