NUST Namibia Online Application 2024-2025

NUST Namibia Online Application 2024-2025

Namibia University of Science and Technology Online Application

Our online application is secure and easy to use. It allows you to save your work and come back later. Applying online provides you with immediate notification that your application has been received.

Apply Now or Read below for NUST Namibia online Application procedure

Why do I have to apply online?

Our online application is convenient, quick, secure and easy to use. It allows you to save your work and come back later to continue and complete your application. Applying online provides you with immediate notification that your application has been received. You will also be able to follow the progress of your application.   Please note:  Applying online is free.

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Where and when can I apply?

From your home, work or any computer with Internet connection anywhere in the world! Strategic Online Application Stations at the Main Campus as well as at the Regional Centres are established for those applicants who do not have access to internet services. These points will be in operation from 08h00 – 16h00 on weekdays. Deadlines for applications: 31 August.

What must be in place before I apply?

Valid e-mail address: You need a valid email address before submitting your electronic application. An email address can be obtained from any one of the free e-mail providers e.g. is external), is external) or is external) etc.
Should you already have a student number from Namibia University of Science and Technology, please login as a “Registered User“. If you were registered previously and cannot remember your student number, please visit the Admissions Office at the Main Campus or the nearest NUST Regional Centre.

SEE ALSO:  NUST Mature Age Entry Tests Application Forms 2024-2025

Apply Now

See Also

Bursaries for Namibians and South Africans


Scholarships for Namibians to Study Abroad

Admissions for Universities in Namibia

Prospectus for Universities in Namibia

Application forms for Universities in Namibia

25 thoughts on “NUST Namibia Online Application 2024-2025”

  1. Hi there, I’m trying to apply but the link is not going through, and when is the due date for applying?

  2. Is online application open I have been trying nothing is happening, may You please help me on how to apply thank you.

  3. I have 28 points in 6 and 25 in 5 with a E in English, with a old grade 12 certificate
    I want to apply for nursing or pharmacy at Nust but can’t reach online application.
    Are the application closed or what?
    Please help

  4. When is final selection of Natural resources and spatial planning?


    Am struggling to apply online.I had applyed last year and i was not admitted because i havent met the requirement and now
    do i have to log in my last years student number and a pin to edit that application form?

  6. I have been trying for weeks now to apply but when I tap, it’s just saying privacy error.. What should i do?

  7. I’m currently doing namcol(english) what document should I attach interms of latest result?

  8. I am having Level 3 Mechanical fitter from south Africa,I also have 28 points in grade 12 with a E in English,my Question is, can you admit me for mechanical engineering or maritime engineering?

  9. i am a namibian wat furthre ma at nust but i cant get that online application form

  10. I am New applicant band I have been trying since yesterday to apply but the URL is not found yet what should I do

  11. I’ve been trying for weeks now to apply online buthink everytime I tap the tab save there’s some sort of error and I’ve tried on computers and Android devices. The deadline is next week so please help by the way I’m in otjiwarongo. Also where can I apply at regional centres do you mean the teacher centre maybe.

    • Yes Hanadaob, you visit the teacher centers. You can also contact +264-61-207-9111

  12. I really interesting to take our further study in NUST.

  13. dear sir / madam.
    i am struggling to register online . i am a new applicant , when i am press saving buttons is saying your requested URL /pls/prodi03/dyniadbioscrn.actionIns was not found.
    May you kindly help me with the procedures of how to register online please.
    thank you

    • Victoria, there appears to be a temporal technical error with the application portal. Kindly try again.

      • Has the online application closed or what? Because i have been trying many times but my application does not want to go through.


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