NSFAS Transport Allowance

NSFAS Transport Allowance | National Student Financial Aid Scheme

Benefits of the Student Centred Model

The new Student Centred Model now enables NSFAS to manage a direct relationship with the applicants and NSFAS funded students.

Student loans and bursaries are granted to individual students after an application is submitted to NSFAS and a student’s financial need and academic performance is evaluated. Students are notified by NSFAS of their application results, which means that there is a direct relationship and communication between the student and NSFAS from first year registration until completion of studies;

Once a student is approved for NSFAS funding, NSFAS allocates funding for the student and pays it directly to the institution to fund their tuition costs. Registration fees are paid faster and more efficiently.

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Eligible students are allocated allowances directly through the sBux system, which enables a student to receive and spend their allowances using their cell phone. Allowances such as accommodation, transport, food allowance and allowances for textbooks are provided to support a student academically through their student life cycle.

Through the Student Centred Model, NSFAS is able to trace the student’s academic progress throughout the course of study and a student only applies once for funding, and not every year.

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