NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025

The NSFAS Application Form for can be obtained by visiting www.nsfas.org.za. The forms are available online, and can be accessed after creating a mynsfas Account.  Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible since NSFAS does not accept late Applications. 

Continuing students who already applied for NSFAS will be required to sign the agreement form, hence wont be required to reapply for the Student aid. Funds will be automatically applied to such students. It should be noted that a student must obtain a progressive score of at least 50% to be eligible.

Students who do not meet this criteria may have to reapply. Kindly contact the NSFAS Student support center for more details.

SEE ALSO:  Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) Bursary South Africa 2024-2025

Click here for NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025 | A step by Step Guide

Who qualifies for the NSFAS Bursary?

Currently, the UL NSFAS Application is aimed at South African Students who are deemed to be financially needy. Such students must come from households which report an annual income not exceeding R350000 ( Subject to Change ). In addition to this requirement, a student must demonstration potential for academic success by maintaining an acceptable level of performance in their academic work. Students must take note that the Student Aid is aimed at South African students studying at South African Universities / tecnikon for their first or second tertiary qualification. Therefore students studying at international universities, although South African are not qualified. Students studying for their second tertiary qualification must ensure that it enables them practice in a chosen profession. eg HDE

SEE ALSO:  NSFAS Extended Grant Application

How much can a student get:

NSFAS determines the minimum and maximum award annually. Please enquire at the Financial Aid office for the current limits. A person will, however, be expected to make a contribution towards the total cost of your studies, i.e Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

The size of the award is determined by the family income, according to the NSFAS Means Test.

Where to apply:

Application forms are obtainable from the Financial Aid Office.

NSFAS contact details

For any inquiries regarding the process, one could reach out through these details:

  • Telephone number: 08000 67327
  • Email address: info@nsfas.org.za
  • Physical address: 10 Brodie Road, House Vincent 2nd Floor, Wynberg, Cape Town 7700
  • Postal address: Private Bag X1, Plumstead 7801, South Africa
SEE ALSO:  False Bay FET College NSFAS Application Status

The government is doing the most in ensuring that the country is educated. One such way is through the bursary that it is providing for the disadvantaged students who wish to pursue their studies. This process extensively provides details of the NSFAS application form and application procedure that any prospectus applicant should be aware of. Everyone should enjoy the right to have education.

38 thoughts on “NSFAS Application Form 2024-2025”

  1. I’m trying to apply but I can’t find the form. Please help me

  2. Hi I need help to download the application ….would appritiate assisted

  3. Hai, I’m only hve grade 10 want to study for Nursing at Keetmans at I-Care Health Institute.. Will I get loan at Nsfaf cause it’s full time tht I mst go nd study for 2years.

  4. I am struggling to apply online . is there any link that I can use

  5. I am unable to download application form, I need to apply for studies.

  6. To whom it may Concern
    The website is working but I cannot send initials and it keeps on saying error

  7. Hi I have been admitted to study nursing certificate at welwischia university but I don’t know if I can be given a loarn . I really need it though any advice


  9. I want to apply for nsfas but when I open the link it shows a lot of advertisements that I do not understand. May someone kindly assist me.

  10. I’m struggling with application of nsfas
    Assist please

  11. Good morning my sister passed away in July, now my mum is looking after all her 4 children. But I’ helping my mum here and there,I can’t be fulltime cos I have my own children too. Her son failed his matric last year, now I want him to rewrite this two subjects. My question is can I use my e – mail address to apply for him. The other son is now doing his matric, can I also apply for him as well. This is my email address. My name is Thabisa better known as (Tiny) January

  12. hi I’m doing legal studies in university of south Africa and I am paying for my fees because NSFAS did not offer me so I would like to re apply for NSFAS 2022

  13. I dont know how to apply for nsfas can i please get assistance?

  14. I want to apply for NSFAS for 2022 to study at UWC. I am struggling can someone please help. Thank you in advance.

  15. Good day
    I am struggling to apply for NSFAS bursary kindly assist.

  16. KP Sibande i want to apply for nafas fund i can’t get through

  17. Good Day

    I am unable to open a NSFAS APPLICATION Form it just give me adverts


  19. i want to apply for a bursary .i am already applied in the western cape college of nursing

  20. Am unable to apply for NSFAS bursary when o try to open the link it shows some adverts it can’t show the application form

  21. I would like to apply for NSFAS I cannot reach the forms

  22. HI Im Fundiswa i want to apply for NSFAS bursary because i was admitted at DUT

  23. My son has been applying for nasfas for 2 and half years but no answers..I can’t afford his studies,his father has been retrenched last year,he is doing piloting, please help me out,.. thanks

  24. I want to reapply for nsfas I admitted at Fort hare East London

  25. wI m unableto apply for NSFAS bursary because when a try to open the link it gives many advertsso itcant showthe application form


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