Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Tuition Fees

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Tuition Fees

NIMT Fees Structure 2016

1. Books, Stationery etc. are additional costs, which could increase if more than basic is needed.  
+/- N$1,750.00 per annum
2. Skills Upgrading Training only: N$1,250.00 per week
3. Trade Assessment Preparation: N$1,750.00 per week
4. Evaluation Assessment: (private trainees/candidates) N$1,000.00 per day
5. Re-tests: N$1,500.00 per day.
6. National Examination Fees
SHE rewrite & IBOS rewrite:
N$300.00 per subject
N$150.00 per subject
7. Apprenticeship Training: Governmental  trainees only
·         Practical and Theory
N$36,750.00 per annum:  (excludes Registration fee of N$2,000.00)
8. Hostel Facilities, Seminars and Workshop facilities: Available on request.  Prior booking is necessary.  Costs will be quoted before bookings.
9. Miscellaneous Costs:
Telephone calls, facsimiles, photocopies, stationery, books etc.
Will be charged additionally as and when utilised.
10. Replacement of locker keys:
In cases where locker locks are maliciously damaged or keys are lost and the locks need to be replaced.
11. Safety Apparel:
Safety clothes, shoes etc. are the responsibility of the trainees’ employer, which could increase if more than basic is needed.
Employer’s responsibility or will be charged to employer additionally.
+/- N$1,250.00 per annum
Transport: for private candidates only (Skills upgrading & Evaluation tests)
Bus transportation – Walvis Bay/
Swakopmund/Arandis (return).
Transport for fulltime trainees:
Basic Accommodation for full-time trainees:  as and when available.  This excludes meals, toiletries etc.
N$60.00 per day (N$300.00 per week)
N$4,500.00 per semester
N$4,500.00 per semester
Apprenticeship costs for private/company trainees per level of training (6 months):
(excluding accommodation & transport)
N$20,000.00  (all inclusive)
To be paid in full at registration
15. Special Trainees: N$2,000.00 to be paid at registration.
16. Full-time trainees living in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay who want to use the NIMT buses for transportation to and from the Institute, have to pay a transport fee of N$4,500.00 for the semester.  Without a NIMT bus card (valid receipt), you will not be allowed to use our transport.  To be paid in full at registration.
If the full costs have not been paid at the end of a semester, no reports, certificates etc will be issued until these have been paid.  No enrolment will be possible if all costs of the previous semester have not been fully paid.
Preference for both transport/accommodation will be given to those trainees who have paid the fee in full on the day of registration!
SEE ALSO:  UNAM Fees Structure 2024-2025 | University of Namibia

Please Note:  All tariffs are subject to alteration without prior notification. Increased costs will have to be billed to companies additionally, as NIMT cannot, at the moment, forecast purchasing increases for 2016.
Governmental trainees annually have to pay, on day of registration as a trainee, a non-refundable amount of N$2,000.00. This annual registration fee has to be paid by all trainees who are GRN loan/subsidy receivers.  Training will be refused if the fee has not been paid in full on the first day of each semester.
Please note:

  1. From all valid refunds, which need to be authorised and approved by the Executive Director, NIMT, shall subtract an administration fee of 10%.
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  1. Trainees have a maximum of one week, from the date the campus has started each semester, to ensure that the registration fees are paid in full. If the registration fees are not paid after the first week, the trainee will not be allowed to register and has to postpone his/her registration for the next intake.

See Also

About NIMT

NIMT Contact Details

NIMT Courses Offered

NIMT Admission Requirements

NIMT Banking Details

NIMT Application

NIMT Prospectus

NIMT Job Attachment

NIMT Northern Campus

NIMT Southern Campus

NIMT Upgrade Requirements

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Pages

36 thoughts on “Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Tuition Fees”

  1. I have the new cariculum for grade 11 do I qualify for NIMT or is there any number I can get to get more informations I have C in English E in both math and physics.

  2. I have C in English and E in math did I qualify for NIMT?

  3. I got c in math,D in physics and D In English but I have Grade eleven New curriculum certificate…. do I qualified to do instrumentations?

  4. hi i got (E) in physics and a (E) IN MATHS an a (D) eng in gr10 but also have a gr12 certificate wat coarses do i qualify if there is any and wat are the fees

  5. If I come from cosdef will I be excepted just want to continue with level 3 I’ve level 1,2..

  6. i have a c in math and physic an a e in english and i want to do electrician will it be posible for me to admitted to study my favourit corse

  7. Am I qualified to do electrical or millwright electrical in MINT with F in English and B in physical sc plus math with C?

  8. Am i qualified to do electrical or millwright(electrical) at NIMT with F in English and B in Physical sc plus Math with C,in grade 12?

  9. Do NIMT students also receive refund once nsfaf pays the institution

  10. When do the application forms come out for the September intake and in which newspaper?

  11. Can you please send for me the boiler making course fees in Tsumeb.

    • You may visit the NIMT Admissions office for application forms.

  12. I got a B in both Math and English..Do I qualify for electrical engineering??

  13. If I have an E in Maths will I get an opportunity to be admitted

  14. I want to apply now where to get the application form now? please am left out for march intake

    • Yes Trecia, an E in english will be considered for admission under special conditions.


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