Namibia Breweries Limited Vacancies and Jobs

Namibia Breweries Limited Vacancies and Jobs

Here at NBL our passion is brewing the finest quality beer using only the purest ingredients. As part of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, we let our purpose “Creating a future, enhancing life” and our corporate value system inspire our unrelenting pursuit of perfection.
We are proud to uphold the tradition established in 1516 and brew our beer according to the Reinheitsgebot Purity Law. Brewed by choice according to the Reinheitsgebot; our products share our local pride wherever they are enjoyed and through our commitment to excellence our beers have become known for their incomparable quality and purity.

The exceptional brands in our portfolio continue to garner international recognition, winning a series of gold medals during the prestigious Deutsche Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft (DLG) Awards.

NBL is not only committed to providing Namibians with amazing experiences by delivering world-class products, we are also dedicated to operating our business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and giving back to the community. We have made significant investments to ensure that our operations are efficient, environmentally friendly and reduce our carbon footprint. We also continuously seek to uplift the communities in which we operate.

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Established on 29 October 1920, Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) is one of the leading beverage manufacturing companies in Namibia and, indeed, in Southern Africa. In 1920, the Kronen Brauerei (Swakopmund), the Omaruru Brewery (Omaruru), the Klein Windhoek Brewery (Windhoek), and the Felsenkeller Brewery (Windhoek) were acquired by Carl List and Hermann Ohlthaver, who consolidated them to form South West Breweries Limited. When, in 1967, South West Breweries Ltd acquired the Hansa Brauerei in Swakopmund, the company became the only remaining independent commercial brewery in Southern Africa. With Namibia’s independence in 1990, South West Breweries Limited changed to its current name of Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL).

Today, with the stated vision To Be the Most Progressive and Inspiring Company, NBL leads the domestic beer market and has a significant share of the premium beer category in South Africa.

NBL’s total exports account for more than half of total production output.

In May 1996, NBL listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) and became a publicly owned company. The Ohlthaver & List Group of Companies (O & L Group), a major Namibian group, is the controlling shareholder in NBL. In 2015 NBL restructured its operations in Namibia and South Africa in agreement with leading drinks company Diageo and brewer Heineken, NBL’s strategic partners. In Namibia this resulted in Heineken acquiring Diageo’s indirect stake in NBL. With regard to operations in South Africa, Diageo sold its stake in DHN Drinks which resulted in Heineken and NBL increasing their respective stakes. This new joint venture between NBL and Heineken is exclusively focused on a beer portfolio which will be beneficial to growing key brands in South Africa, including the Windhoek Trade Mark, as well as the Heineken and Amstel portfolio.

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Current NBL job openings are available here

Contact Information

As part of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, we let our purpose “Creating a future, enhancing life” and our corporate value system inspire our unrelenting pursuit of perfection.
  • Iscor street | Northern Industrial Area
    Windhoek, Namibia
  • +264-61-320-4999

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5 thoughts on “Namibia Breweries Limited Vacancies and Jobs”

  1. i.m looking cashier job and general work 0813444797

  2. Hi I am looking for job as a packer contact 0818376812


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