MSc Scholarships in Global and International Health
MSc Scholarships in Global and International Health: Canon Collins Trust is pleased to offer scholarships for study at Queen Mary, University of London.
This scholarship is available only to someone accepted by the university to read for one of these degrees:
- MSc International Primary Health Care
- MSc Global Public Health and Policy
- MSc Health Systems and Global PolicyPlease note that Canon Collins cannot provide scholarships for study at any other universities.
This is a full scholarship covering tuition fees, living costs and travel.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate the impact that gaining the qualification will have on their community, country or the region.
Scholarships will only be awarded on confirmation that applicants have been offered a place at Queen Mary, University of London.
Eligibility for MSc Scholarships in Global and International Health
To be eligible you must be
1. A national of and ordinarily resident in one of these countries
- Angola
- Botswana
- Lesotho
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- South Africa
- Swaziland
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe2. In possession of a relevant first degree
3. Accepted for study by Queen Mary, University of London to read for one of the degrees above.
MSc Health Scholarships Cover - Full tuition for a one year masters
- Living allowance of £1,000 per month for 12 months
- 1 economy class return flight from your home country
- Additional study costs of £1,000MSc Health Scholarships Application
The application form is of primary importance as the initial assessment is made on the basis of a completed Canon Collins Trust application form.
The form can be completed on a computer (preferable), typed, or hand written.
It MUST be neat and easy to read. Applications will not be assessed without all of the following: - One academic reference
- One work reference
- University academic transcript
- Certified copy of undergraduate degree certificateThe deadline for applications is 27th April.
For more information and scholarship application materials, see: MSc Scholarships in Global and International Health