MQA Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2024-2025

MQA Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2024-2025

Closing Date: 16 October 2017

The MQA would like to invite learners excelling in maths and science, who will be studying towards a career in the mining and minerals sector, to apply for an MQA bursary. The MQA Bursary Scheme is open to qualifying grade 12 learners or those currently writing their 2017 grade 12 examinations, and students who are studying towards a certificate, diploma, degree or BTech at a university or university of technology. Students at Technical Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) colleges also qualify.
1. The MQA bursary scheme only funds the following qualifications at universities and universities of technology:
  • Mining Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering (Extractive only)
  • Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current only)
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering (Mineral Processing)
  • Environmental Health Management
  • Mining Survey
  • Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • Jewellery Design and Manufacturing
  • Geology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Industrial Engineering
Any BTech qualification associated with the disciplines / courses listed above

Note: The MQA Bursary Scheme is not available for students who would like to pursue post-graduates studies. 

2. The MQA bursary scheme only funds the following qualifications at TVET colleges:
  • Diesel Mechanic
  • Fitter and Turner
  • Fitting including Machinery
  • Electrician
  • Boilermaker
  • Rigger Ropesman
  • Millwright
  • Instrumentation Mechanician
NB: Preference will be given to female applicants, applicants with disabilities and learners living in rural communities.

How To Apply

Application Window
The application period for the 2017 intake closes on 16 October 2017. Short-listed learners must submit their final matric results by 13 January 2018. Continuing bursars must also submit application forms by 13 January 2018.

Please take note of the following:

SEE ALSO:  WSU NSFAS Online Application 2024-2025


Learners who are applying for the first time for a MQA bursary must complete the form “2018 MQA Bursary Application Form – New Intake”.

Download 2018 MQA Bursary Application Form – New Intake


Bursars who are currently being funded by the MQA must complete the form “2018 MQA Bursary Continuation Application Form”, to be funded for the 2018 academic year.

Download 2018 MQA Bursary Continuation Application Form

Note: The applicant must ensure that they download and complete the correct application form. In the event that an applicant completes the incorrect application form, such an application will not be considered. Correspondence will only be entered into with the successful applicants. If you have not received further correspondence from the MQA by 30 November , please consider your application as being unsuccessful. Late, e-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered.
Applications can also be requested from, and submitted to, the following MQA offices:
Gauteng7 Anerley Road, Block C

Parktown, 2193

Postal: Private Bag X118, Marshalltown, 2107

Tel: 011 547 2600

Eastern CapeKing Sabatha Dalindyebo TVET College

R61 Queenstown Road

Cicira Village, Mthatha

Tel: 047 505 1063

Free StateGoldfields TVET College

14107 Ndaki Road, Tosa Campus


Tel: 087 095 0266

LimpopoSekhukhune TVET College

CN Phathudi Campus

Stand No. 2659, Praktiseer

Tel: 087 095 0267

MpumalangaNkangala TVET College, Mpondozamkomo Campus

1 Moses Kotane Drive


Tel: 013 696 8120 / 8121

North WestOrbit TVET College

Mankwe Campus, Stand 230

Unit 2, Mogwase

Tel: 014 555 8860

Northern CapeNorthern Cape Rural TVET College

Kathu Campus

Hans Coetzee Drive

Tel: 053 723 0100

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Applications can also be submitted at the following institutions with whom the MQA has made the necessary arrangements:

University of Fort HareMs Mandisa Mlilo

Financial Aid Office (Alice Campus)

University of StellenboschMs Kaliie Sauls

Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans Office, Admin A, Main Campus

University of Cape TownMs Noluvuyo Capsana

Fees Office, Kramer Building, Middle Campus

Cape Peninsula University of TechnologyMs Siphokazi Mthyobile

Office 5.1 Administration Building, Cape Town Campus

Nelson Mandela UniversityMs Buyiswa Yaya

Financial Aid Counters, North Campus

University of Western CapeMs Genevieve Fisher

Financial Aid Office

Mangosuthu University of TechnologyMs Cynthia Nkosi

Financial Aid Office

SEE ALSO:  Bitou Municipality: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2024-2025

All public institutions interested in assisting with collecting application forms on behalf of the MQA are welcome to contact the MQA Bursary Unit on 011 547 2700 to make the necessary arrangements. 

 Learnerships : Bursaries :

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