Mayoral Bursaries 2024-2025 

Mayoral Bursaries 2024-2025

All of these bursary funds were initially started to assist candidates from financially restrain families to complete their tertiary education. They are intended to aid candidates with exceptional grades who shows great potential.

There are however, only a limited number of available Mayoral bursaries per Province. The amount of applications received yearly is in greater numbers than available funding. Candidates are therefore urged to also apply for other bursaries. Those candidates who do apply for other bursaries and receives one must please let their local Municipality know.

The bursaries usually are for a set amount which covers tuition, study material / books and accommodation.


Individuals wishing to apply for a Mayoral bursary within their Province must ensure they find out about the available fields, closing date, and requirements pertaining to their specific Province as these may differ.
The most common fields made available are:

  • Health Care
  • Agriculture
  • Town Planning
  • Regional Planning
  • Commerce
  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Motor Mechanical Studies
  • Electrical Motor Studies
  • Plumbing
  • Adult Education Training
  • Tourism
  • Human Resources
  • Management
  • Hospitality
  • Science
  • IT


Each Mayoral bursary requirements, offerings, and fields will depend on the Municipal area where candidates apply. There are a couple of standard stipulations that all of these bursaries have in common. Most of these bursaries will only accept candidates who are between 18 and 22, yet, some do consider candidates up to the age of 30.
Standard Requirements are as follow:

  • Applicants must be South African citizens
  • Applicants must apply within their Province
  • Applicants must be a resident within their Province of application
  • Applicants must hold a valid ID document
  • Applicants must provide proof of household income
  • Applicants must hold a valid Grade 12 Certificate
  • Applicants must show their potential by having passed their Grade 12 with exceptional percentages
  • Applicants must have an acceptance letter from a University or Institute of Higher Learning
SEE ALSO:  Sacema Bursaries 2024-2025

In some cases candidates with high marks for Mathematics, Commerce, Technology and Science is preferred. Special notice will be given to candidates with a disability, as well as candidates from a previously disadvantaged background, especially women.
Candidates must ensure the following documents are submitted together with their application:

  • Completed application
  • Candidates ID document
  • All academic records
  • Grade 12 Certificate
  • Parents ID documents
  • Parents proof of income / pension / affidavit if unemployed
  • Proof of residence
  • Letter of admission to an Institute of Higher Learning

Each bursary applicant will have to provide a motivational letter as to why they feel they deserve such an opportunity. Candidates must also include any and all extra-curricular activities. Where possible candidates can also include recommendation letters.


Mayoral bursaries application online is made available within some of the provinces, however, not all of them provide the applications online. Interested candidates may collect an application form from their local Municipality Offices.
Completed applications along with all required documentation must then be delivered back to the local Municipality Office where candidates collected them. These applications must be placed in an A4 envelope and addressed to The Office of the Executive Mayor.
Here are some of the Mayoral bursaries applications that can be found online:

Cape Winelands District Applications and Information
Drakenstein Western Cape District Applications and Information
Newcastle KwaZulu-Natal District Applications and Information
Randfontein Local Municipality Applications and Information
Breede Valley District Municipality Applications
Local Municipality of Musina Applications
Mogale City Local Municipality Applications
Bojanala Platinum District Municipality Applications

Successful applicants who make it to the shortlist will be contacted. Please make sure that all documentation is certified copies, do not attach your originals as these will not be returned. Be sure to complete the application in full and sign the form before submitting it.

SEE ALSO:  Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships


These bursaries have different closing dates and will depend on the province that candidates are applying in. Some close as early as the middle of January and others as late in the years as December.

Individuals applying are reminded that applications may not be faxed or e-mailed, applications that are will not be considered. If applications submitted are late, missing documentation or incomplete, they will be disqualified. Please do not contact the department, if you have not heard anything within a month from the closing date, please accept your submission as being non-successful.

 See Also
AAUW Bursaries
ABSA Bursaries
AfriSam Bursaries
Allan Gray Bursaries
Anglo Coal Bursaries
Anglo Platinum Ltd Bursaries
Aurecon Bursaries Program
BBD Bursaries 
BestMed Bursaries
Bhp Billiton Bursaries
BMW Bursaries 
British American Tobacco Bursaries
Bursaries for Engineering 
Bursary For Software Engineering 2017 Offered By We Think Code_
Coca Cola Bursaries
Construction Education and Training Authority CETA Bursaries
CSIR Bursaries ()
David Morrison Bursaries
De Beers Bursaries
Denel Dynamics Bursaries
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Bursaries 
Department of Correctional Services Bursaries
Department of Education Bursaries 
Department of Finance Bursaries
Department of Health Bursaries
Department of Higher Education Bursaries
Department of Public Works Bursaries 
Department of Social Development Bursaries
Department of Transport Bursaries
Ekurhuleni Bursaries
Ernest & Young Bursaries
Eskom Bursaries ()
Exxaro Bursaries ()
Fidelity Fund Bursaries Program
First National Bank Bursaries
First Rand Laurie Dippenaar Scholarship
Fullbright Scholarship & Bursary Program
Funza Lushaka Bursary
GIBB Bursaries
Glencore (XSTRATA) Bursaries
Gold Fields Bursaries 
Great North Transport Bursaries
Harmony Gold Bursaries
HAW & INGLIS Civil Engineering Bursaries
HCI Foundation Bursaries
HESA Commonwealth Scholarship/ Bursaries
Inscape Bursaries 2017 for Disadvantaged Learners
Investec Bursary
ISASA Bursaries
Kantey & Templer Bursaries
KPMG Bursaries
Kumba Iron Bursaries
KwaZulu Natal Bursaries
Lonmin Bursaries
Mayoral Bursaries
Mercedes Bursaries
Merseta Bursary: How to Apply for ?
MINTEK Bursaries
MTN Bursaries
MultiChoice Bursaries
Murray & Roberts Bursaries
National Treasury Bursaries
National Youth Development Agency Bursaries 
Nedbank Bursaries Program
Netcare Bursaries Programme
NMISA Bursaries
NSFAS Bursaries 
NSFAS Bursary
Old Mutual Bursaries
Oxford Graduate Scholarships Bursaries
Palabora Copper Bursaries
Petra Diamonds Bursaries
PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) Bursaries
SA Military Bursaries Program
SAB Bursaries 2017 (South African Breweries)
Sacema Bursaries
SAICA Bursaries
SAIRR Bursaries
SAMA Bursaries
SANSA Bursaries
SAPPI Bursaries 
SAPS Bursaries (South African Police Services)
SARS Bursaries 2017
Sasol Bursaries
Shoprite Bursaries
Siemens Bursaries 
Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo Bursaries
SPOORNET (Transnet Freight Rail) Bursaries
Stanlib Bursaries
Stefanutti Stocks Bursaries
Study Trust Bursaries
Sun International Bursaries
Telkom Bursaries
The National Skills Fund Bursaries
The Rhodes Trust Scholarship / Bursaries
Thuthuka Bursary Fund
TISO Foundation Bursaries: Bursaries for the Disadvantages Youth
Unilever Bursaries
Vodacom Bursaries
Volkswagen Bursaries
SEE ALSO:  South Africa Department of Social Development Bursaries

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