Master and Doctoral Scholarships for Africans

Master and Doctoral Scholarships for Africans

Africa Scholarships Eligibility: Master and Doctoral Scholarships for Africans
Target Group 1 (TG 1): Nationals and/residents of African countries who are students registered in one of the Partner Universities at the time of registration.
Target Group 2 (TG 2): Nationals and residents of Africa, registered in or having obtained a university degree or equivalent in a higher education institution of such countries and not included in the Partnership.
It is funded through the Education, Audiovisual and culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.
The programme also seeks to enhance academic and cultural as well as geographically diverse exchange between higher education institutions in African countries.
The exchange programme will encourage the exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences amongst partner universities through its comprehensive scholarships.
It has eight partner institutions:

  • Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia;
  • Ardhi University, Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania;
  • University of Buea, Cameroon;
  • Hawassa University, Ethiopia;
  • University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa;
  • Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda;
  • North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa; and, the
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.Coordinated by the Polytechnic of Namibia, the Consortium has the University of Twente, Faculty of ITC, the Netherlands as Technical Partner with the Justus Leibig University Giessen, Germany; the Santander Group of Spain and the National Qualifications Authority (NQA) of Namibia as Associate Partners.
    STREAM has as its overall objective of promoting high-quality education for students and young academics and increasing access to higher education in general.

According to the EACEA/35/10 call regulations and to the Grant Agreement, scholarships are made available to beneficiaries belonging to the two Target Groups above and who have not resided in Europe for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years.
Thematic Fields of Study
This geographical window is open to six broad fields of study.
All six thematic fields of interest below are represented at one of the partner universities.
The medium of instruction is English at all partner universities, which means that applicants will not face a language barrier within the consortium countries.
To cover some Francophone countries and as an added value, applicants have the option to apply for programmes or courses in French at Buea University (Cameroon) if they wish to.
Below is a list of the six broad thematic fields:

  • Agriculture Sciences (Agriculture),
  • Education, Teacher Training (Management and Education),
  • Engineering, Technology (Engineering),
  • Medical Sciences (Medicine),
  • Natural Sciences (Science and technology subjects),
  • Communication and Information Sciences (ICT).Master and Doctoral Scholarships for Africans: Scholarship Package
    The scholarship shall cover the following costs for masters and doctoral candidates:
  • Living costs (Euros 900 per month)
  • Travel costs (1 return ticket from the port of departure)
  • Participation costs (including tuition, registration)
  • Insurance costs (medical, travel, accidental and injuries)

For more information and scholarship application, see; Master and Doctoral Scholarships for Africans