List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in Polokwane

List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in Polokwane

For information on where to drop your form, please contact NSFAS or the NYDA head office on 0800 52 52 52
or visit here to download a full list of all branches.

SEE ALSO:  NSFAS Application Closing Dates and Deadlines 2024-2025

5 thoughts on “List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in Polokwane”

  1. My status stuck on ‘provisionally funded’ an the final closing date for registration fee is on the 28 February 2023, i need help on nsfas to fund me

  2. My name is Mr. NC Moshoana, 981215 5443 087, Student no: 201717207, I had been sponsored financiall by NSFAS while studying at the University of Limpopo. I am humbly requesting a confirmation letter that you had been sponsoring me. The reason for this is our Province want to prioritize all students sponsored by NSFAS to be employed first as per the national directive.
    Your assistance in this matter will be appreciated.
    Moshoana NC
    064 802 1928

  3. Greetings i applied for nsfas online and i chose a tvet (Capricorn) on the institutions option then it aproved me and i registered at a university. I then deregistered at Capricorn collage and was only left registered with unisa. Now my nsfas doesn’t fund me since january ive been up and down…to polokwane and giyani…i live in tzaneen. I dont have money to travel hle i dont know what to do

    • Help me…am doing matric this year and I have applied for several universities for next year what can I do for Nsfsa to fund me .I have been trying to apply online for 2022 but it seems like the application are not active but opened please help thank you


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