List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in eMalahleni

List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in eMalahleni

Shop 3, Pavillion Centre, 19 – 21 Botha Avenue1035 – Witbank

For information on where to drop your form, please contact NSFAS or the NYDA head office on 0800 52 52 52
or visit here to download a full list of all branches.

SEE ALSO:  Boland FET College NSFAS Application Status

2 thoughts on “List of NSFAS and NYDA Offices in eMalahleni”

  1. Dear Sir/Madam

    I write this letter I need financially help or a place to stay.

    My name is Dineo Ntwaagae from Leslie I came here in Witbank to study, I study at Nkangala TVET College. My background is not good at all my mother is not working my father he earns pension money which they use to buy food and pay insurance etc..there is a last born who is 13 years old she’s also in high school so they can’t assist me coz they taking care of her and no one is working at home.

    So apparently it hasn’t funded me I am currently staying at 10 Allenby . My landlord is complaining about my rent debt now coz I owe alot of money. I struggle alot sometimes I go for 3 days with no food . I cant even stay at res they told me I must be funded by nsfas firstly before;I also try to get a job that might help me pay for my school fees but no luck. Now I don’t have a place to stay I’m struggling and I want to continue with my studies  I’m asking and pleading if i can get help from you please contact me on 072 633 3689 your help will be much appreciated.

  2. Nsfas rejected my child and im unemployed they say his father is earn more than 350k and is not true


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