IUM Namibia Preparatory Course

IUM Namibia Preparatory Course

About this course:
The Preparatory Course (PPC) is a qualification which prepares people for study at university.
What you will learn:
The Preparatory Course provides a good foundation in the knowledge and skills required for studying at university level, so that students are confident and well prepared when they go on to higher education.
Who should attend:
Students who do not meet the minimum entry point for professional courses.
One Year
Entry Criteria:

Module Duration
ICDL Base Profile
Basic Arithmetic Skills
English for Academic Purposes
  • Essay Writing
  • Note-taking and note-making
  • Speaking and Listening Skills
  • Reading and Comprehension of Academic Texts
  • Writing Standard Academic English

Examination Skills: Preparing for and Succeeding in an Examination
Reading and Comprehension of other related Texts
Using the Internet for Researching Information
Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Introduction to Management

  • Personal Organisation
  • Time Management
1 year

PPC 1: In addition to the university’s General Regulations (GR) – GR1.1 to GR1.7 and GR4.4, and Academic Regulations (AR) – AR1.1 to AR3 and AR13, the following special regulations shall apply.
PPC 2: For students who do not meet normal entry/admission requirements, a Preparatory Course (PPC) shall be mounted.
PPC 3: Final examinations for the Preparatory course shall be held in the second week of September each year.
PPC 4 : Supplementary examinations for the Preparatory course shall be held in the third week of November each year
PPC 5: In order to proceed from the Preparatory course to the university’s Certificate programme, all Preparatory course modules must be taken and passed.
PPC 6: Up to two (2) modules may, however, be supplemented if a student attains supplemental marks in the final examinations
PPC 7 : The Preparatory course shall not be repeated.