EFN’s Professional Development Grants

EFN’s Professional Development Grants

Education for Nature (EFN) Professional Development Grants provide support for mid-career conservationists to pursue short-term, non-degree training to upgrade their knowledge and skills through short courses, workshops, conferences, and study tours, or through practical training such as internships and professional attachments.
Professional Development Grants are awarded throughout the year, on a first-come, first-served basis, given the availability of funds.
EFN Professional Development Grants support for all training-related costs including registration fees and tuition, meals and accommodations, books and materials, international travel, and local transportation
Training may take place anywhere in the world.
Typical grants range in amount from $1,500 to $5,000.

  • You must be a citizen or legal resident of an eligible country.
  • You must have at least three years work experience (paid or unpaid) in conservation or a related field.
  • Your current work and proposed training must help advance conservation in an eligible country.
  • Your proposed training must be completed within 6 months and must not lead to an academic degree.
  • Individuals currently enrolled in an academic degree program are not eligible.
  • You must currently be working in a conservation-related field and have promise of continued employment at the completion of your proposed training from your employer.
  • You must have approval from your employer to participate in the proposed training.
  • You must have a bank account in your own name that can receive US dollars.
  • You must not have received a Professional Development Grant from EFN in the past three years.
  • You must not have received a Train Fellowship or an EFN scholarship in the past.Eligible Countries in Africa: Central African Republic, Dem. Republic of Congo, Gabon, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania

For More Information and Application, Please Visit; EFN’s Professional Development Grants Website