2024-2025 Parliament of Namibia Vacancies

2024-2025 Parliament of Namibia Vacancies

Parliament is a neutral place where legislators meet to talk, discuss and consult frankly with each other on political, social and economic issues and their legal implications on society. It consists of elected and/or nominated representatives responsible for making and changing the laws of the country.

Find the Parliament of Namibia Latest vacancies here

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2 thoughts on “2024-2025 Parliament of Namibia Vacancies”

  1. As a third-year student at NUST doing a bachelor of economics, with a record of detail-oriented, efficient, and organized professional with a strong academic background in Economics. Possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make well-thought-out decisions. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Seeking to secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge, and skills. I therefore would really like to use the position to lift my tuition fees for the academic year 2023.

  2. please i am looking for a job related to Public management. i have a degree. any vacancy pop-up please inform me.
    Kind regards.


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